Chapter seventeen

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Forgetting the words she spoke, they both managed to get up at noon. 1 hour and 55 minutes later than she said they would stay in bed for. This time, it was Bill who woke up first. Acknowledging the soft pair of arms around him, he smiled and admired her sleeping figure. She was just too good for him in his eyes.
Suddenly, she was awakened by Tom barging through the door.

"Afternoon, fuckers" He yelled, a smile on his face. Bill flipped him off and held Dani closer as she laughed. Tom laughed at Bill and walked out, actually closing the door like a good person.

"Morning, again." She smiled, looking up at him.

"Morning. Are you feeling okay?" He asked, and she shuffled up to be face-to-face with him.

"Yeah, yeah, better now I'm with you." She held the side of his face.

"Thank you for listening to me last night, I don't normally open up like that."

"It's okay. I'll always be here."

She giggled a little "You always say that you know?"

"It's true," He smiled "I will always be here, no matter what. Good and bad, together and apart."

"You don't understand how much you've affected my life already. I won't survive without you now." She laughed while sitting up, crossing her legs and facing him.

"Yeah well, you've had a big impact on my life too." He made her smile so much, and how he admired every smile she gave.

The two were the first ones downstairs in the morning, Bill lying on the couch while Dani grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge. She sat next to him and pulled him up from lying down by his arms, and he sat in front of her.

"Oh my god, I've been meaning to tell you this. You know that one bitch in homeroom? Ginger, dorky glasses?"
He immediately woke up fully and nodded his head.

"I really shouldn't be saying this but..." She got closer to him and grabbed his hands.

"Rumor has it that, you know Jackson? The guy that gives her hell? Rumor is that they're totally fucking in the Janitor's closet" Bill gasped and she laughed, nodding.
"No fucking way, really?" He whispered and she sat up straight.

"Can you imagine though? Proper enemies to lovers trope there, am I right?" They laughed, and she stopped them both.

"And you know Miss Morgan? The Geography teacher who always wears tight-ass dresses despite being 40-something?"

"Oh yeah, hate her. She yelled at me for looking out the window for under a minute." Bill laughed.

"Apparently, she wears like the really REALLY expensive thongs, but you know who buys them? The fucking principal! I heard it from Natalie, she was waiting to be called into the office when she heard him talking to her about the next one he would buy!" She wheezed, sending both of them into fits of silent laughter.

"Our school is fucked" Bill laughed, making Dani nod and laugh more.
Tom came into the room at that moment, his dreads tied up ontop of his head.

"What are you two laughing about?" He smiled. Dani tried to speak, but just ended up laughing more. Bill just waved his hand and laughed with her.

"Alright," Tom laughed in confusion, heading to the kitchen.

Dani managed to stop laughing, but looked at Bill and burst out laughing once again, Bill wheezing at her and himself. Tom thought they were completely insane, but laughed at them instead of helping.

The two had somehow managed to compose themselves, Gustav and Georg getting up and watching them laugh. They all sat down except for Georg, who was cooking breakfast for them all despite it being 12:35 in the afternoon.

"What should we do today?" Tom asked, sitting down next to Gustav.

"Oh, Dani, I was going to give you something yesterday but didn't have the chance." Gustav remembered, getting up and grabbing something from the other room. It was a CD with a few things written on the top of it in black marker.

"We thought you should have this since you're close to us." He handed her a CD of their 'Schrei' album, all 4 of them had signed it for her. Her eyes immediately widened when she saw the signatures.

"No way, oh my god." She gasped, taking it into her hands.

"This is actually so cool, thank you so much!" She smiled. She looked over each signature carefully, noticing Bill's had a little heart after his signature. Georg then brought food through for everyone before anyone else could say anything.

"What are we doing for the rest of today?" He asked, handing Dani a plate as she put the CD on the coffee table.

"Well, I need to start thinking about what to do about school." Dani sighed, confusing everyone in the room.

"What do you mean?" Gustav asked

"Huh? Oh, yeah I have to think about if i'm going to go back. The- uh, the whole shooting thing kind-of messed my head up about going back. Trying to think of a way around it."

"Oh shit, I didn't know it hit you that hard." Georg sympathised with her, talking softly.

"Yeah, but the school has gotten pretty good at helping with this sort of thing. They have a type of leave, where if you get a doctor's note you can have a card to leave school whenever it gets to be too much."

"That's actually really nice of them. Never thought the American school system was so nice." Tom laughed quietly.

"Yeah, and I want to finish school to graduate. I think it's a good idea." She shrugged, finishing her breakfast after speaking.

Everyone finished their food, and agreed that they would go to the city centre today. Dani wanted to get a pair of earrings she saw last time she was there, and Georg suggested they all go.

Dani , Georg and Gustav went to Dani's house to get her outfit for the day. Bill had to talk to one of the managers, and Tom just didn't want to go.

"Okay, so I know my style is different but which top is cuter?" Dani asked, holding up a white tube top and a black lace cami top.

"On you?" Georg joked, making the three of them laugh.

"Well I mean there's no judgement here" Dani laughed.

"I think you should stay in Bill's shirt, surprise him." Gustav caught his breath from laughing.

"You know what, good point!" She smiled and put both of the tops back in her closet. She picked out a tight black skirt, and changed in the bathroom while the boys waited downstairs.

I know this chapter is all over the place, but i have so many ideas for future chapters that I hit a writer's block! sorry this took so long to get out.
my life is also kinda all over the place at the minute so yeah 👍

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