Chapter four

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A/N - FOR THE SAKE OF MY SANITY, THE MUSICAL "HEATHERS" WILL BE MADE BEFORE THE 2000s, I CBA TO FIND ONE BEFORE THAT. HAVE FUN. (its not a big part of the story dw if you've not heard of it.)



Dani met up with the three boys the next day while walking to school. She had seen them walking past her house and decided to join them. Bill was surprisingly happy about this.

Gustav and Tom walked in front while Dani and Bill walked behind.

"I owe you $50 and a shopping spree, maybe even more" he whispered to Dani

"Holy shit, really? She stayed?" she whispered back in shock

"Stayed the night. Saw her in the kitchen this morning." He said back, looking at her.

"Damn," she laughed "Is it that big of a deal that you go through with that bet?"

"Honestly I think I owe you more than that, it's a genuine surprise she stayed."

They arrived at the school together and said goodbye to Gustav as he went down the other corridor. Tom, Bill and Dani all walked to their homeroom and proceeded to sit down for announcements.


It's been a few weeks since Bill and Dani started hanging out, they had become really good friends. Dani's had 3 sets of new nails and loved every pair of them. She was falling, and hard. She hadn't even heard him sing since the first time he did her nails. She really wanted to know what Tokio Hotel was really like; She hadn't even gone around to where they were staying yet.

"You're like clockwork. Every time I see you, you do that same routine." Tom stated while watching Dani apply her lipgloss and brush her hair as normal.

"Anything to look good" Dani laughed. 

"You do look good, but I don't get why you do it so much." Bill countered, and this made Dani blush a little. Not many people actually said she looked good to her face.

"Hah, you love her." Tom teased, Bill countered by hitting him in the arm, earning him a little yelp from the twin while the girl laughed.

The bell rang, and everyone took their seats. 

"Alright, you know this by now, announcements. Go." The teacher stated, downing what looked like to be his ninth cup of coffee that day. Not even that day, that morning even.

As usual, the class rep stood at the front and began her normal announcements.

"Good morning everyone! I hope you had a wonderful day yesterday! Not many announcements today except that tomorrow we will not be in school. It is a teacher training day, so please do not come in tomorrow."

Half the class cheered, especially the jocks. Dani squealed a little and smiled widely. That was the cutest thing Bill had ever seen.

"There are no other announcements, just have a glorious day!" The class rep smiled and clapped her hands softly before going back to her seat. Dani turned to Bill as a few girls came over to Tom.

"Hallway?" She smiled while Bill nodded. They both picked up their bags and walked out of the room, sitting in the same place as yesterday. 

"Tomorrow I can hold myself accountable to that bet, we can go into town" Bill laughed

"Oh my god yeah, I forgot about that. You still owe me $50" She laughed back. The two sat in a comfortable silence before Bill spoke up.

"What have you got first today?" he asked, watching Dani sort out her hairstyle for the day with her little pocket mirror resting gently in her lap. 

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