Chapter seven

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The streetlights illuminated the room as midnight approached. The two had watched nearly the whole first season of Grey's Anatomy since they finished doing each other's makeup, and they were getting tired. They walked to the bathroom to wash off their makeup, when Tom walked through the hall, heading for the stairs.

"You're still here Dani? I thought you left?" He asked quietly, as Georg was sleeping in the next room.

"Yeah, got locked out. My brother took my keys." She whispered, to which he just nodded and started to walk downstairs.

"See you in the morning" He whispered back, disappearing down the stairs.

She looked to Bill and smiled, as he walked in and grabbed some makeup remover and a cotton pad.

"I feel bad taking this off, you did such a good job" He whispered, which made Dani laugh to herself quietly.

"It's okay, I can do it again tomorrow" She smiled while also taking a cotton pad and putting makeup remover on it. The two stayed as quiet as they could, but still whispered to each other about random things. 10 minutes later of more laughing quietly than removing makeup, they went back to Bill's room.

"You can borrow some of my clothes to sleep in, just in the second drawer there. Pick whatever you want." He pointed to a white dresser, and Dani opened the second drawer to see a bunch of band shirts folded up neatly on one side and plaid pyjama trousers on the other side. She picked out some black and white plaid trousers, however, she decided to stay in her white bra underneath. They were best friends, it would be fine.

Dani went and got changed in the bathroom, checking herself out in the large mirror. She looked fucking good. When she walked back in, Bill blushed bright pink but hid it with his smile and the already dark room.

"These are comfy as fuck." She stated as she sat next to Bill on the bed, her head on his shoulder.

"Yeah, kind of why I buy them" He laughed, placing his head on top of Dani's.

"Might have to leave early tomorrow, try and get new clothes from my house." She softly whispered, wrapping her arms around his waist and hugging him softly.

"That's okay, how early?"

"Maybe around 7, leave at 7:15. I walk to school at 7:50, so it'll give me a good 35 minutes to get ready. That okay? You don't have to come." She explained as Bill pulled the duvet over them both.

"I'll come with you."

She smiled, hugging him a little tighter. "Thanks. Oh my god, you can help me pick an outfit!" She gasped while still trying to be quiet.

"Yeah, that'll be really cool!" He replied, smiling.

Dani started to doze off, Bill holding one of her hands and his other arm around her waist.

"Goodnight, meine Mädchen" He whispered lovingly, as she fell asleep on his shoulder.

("Goodnight, my girl")


The next morning arrived, with Dani waking up on Bill's chest. She checked the time on the digital clock on his bedside table. 6:30, not bad. Bill woke up a few minutes later, looking down at her.

"Morning" He whispered and she looked up at him.

"Morning" She smiled, moving one hand up to his neck and holding the side of it softly, nestling her face into the other side of his neck.

"It's 6:30, so we have a lot of time." She muttered through her still dozy state, as his arm wrapped around her back resting at the side of her waist.

"Whaddya think, stay in bed for 5 minutes and then properly get up?" She asked, looking at him.

Opposites attract // Bill KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now