Chapter eighteen

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When she returned to the house, Dani let herself upstairs, knocking on Bill's door.

"Can I come in?" She asked, and heard Bill respond with a 'yeah sure!'
She walked in to see him with his shirt off, jeans on and his hair wet.

"Fucking hell you look good" She whispered a little too loud, and he heard.

"Yeah?" He cooed, watching as she fell onto his bed and looked over at him.

"Fuck yeah~" She smirked, and he smiled at her in the mirror. Dani ran her fingers through her hair as she lay down on his bed.

"You're wearing my shirt" He laughed.

"Course I am, it's more comfy than any of the shirts I own." She laughed as he lay down next to her.

"It looks cute on you, keep it." He smiled.

"Aww, thank you" She said softly, sitting up.

"Do you think you could do my nails again? they were so cute the first time and I miss them." He looked up at her and smiled, nodding. She smiled wide and hugged him.

"I'm gonna let you have full creative control, you decide the colours and design."

"I've pretty much only got black and white" He laughed while getting up and grabbing the two bottles of nail polish. He placed them on the bed and pulled open a drawer, throwing a shirt on and sitting down next to her.

"That's fine, I have long natural nails this time so you're good" She smiled and they sat facing each other. He began by painting her nails with a clear polish and waiting for them to dry.

"What type of earrings did you see last time?" Bill asked, finding a super small paintbrush for nail designs.

"Oh yeah! That's what we're doing today. They were like these star earrings, they were so cute! I wish I had a photo, but I finally saved enough to get them." She fawned over the earrings, making him smile.

"They were $25 last time I checked, I hope I haven't gotten that wrong." She smiled and laughed to herself.

"They'll look great on you, I swear. Anything looks good on you." He corrected himself, starting on the design on her nails.

Dani had found some leftover rhinestones in her bag from her last nail set, still packaged and unused.
He had something in mind that he thought she would love, and she absolutely adored the finished product.

"Oh my god, they're so cute!" She squealed and hugged him immediately, trying not to get her new nails caught in his hair

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"Oh my god, they're so cute!" She squealed and hugged him immediately, trying not to get her new nails caught in his hair. He laughed and hugged her back, stroking her back softly.

"I love you so so much, oh my god! They're beautiful!" She admired them while climbing into his lap. She held his shoulders as he held the sides of her hips.

"It's nice watching you fawn over my work" He teased, making her giggle.

"Yeah well, you do such a good job! My nails always come out perfect! Awh, I love them so much!" He chuckled as she pulled back and gazed at her nails, admiring them.

"I'm happy you like them" He smiled.

"Of course I do!" She smiled and hugged him again.

He loved hugging her. She was so sweet to him, nothing like the kids at his old school. He felt a sense of comfort anytime she was in the same room as him. She was like home to him, just like how the band was.

"Hey, Dani?" He got her attention, making her pull away.

"I love you."

"I love you too, Bill." She smiled, hugging him again.

Walking around the local mall was always nice in the winter months. There was always nice decorations, pretty lights and seasonal offers.
The group walked around multiple stores, window shopping with Tom leading them. Dani was carrying around a blue paper bag with a few things she had bought earlier already inside it.

A dress in the window stopped Dani in her tracks. It was black with long sleeves and a short tight skirt. The boys walked ahead until Bill realised she was no longer by his side. He tapped Tom's shoulder and walked over to her.

"You okay?" He asked, looking over to the dress.

"Yeah- it's... It's pretty, right? Expensive, $94, could never afford it but still pretty. Tried it on once in the store, size 8, absolute perfect fit. Wanted it for homecoming, couldn't afford it." She laughed "Loved it so much. I cried on the way home like a pathetic child. After that, I promised one day i'd buy it. Though with the way my life is going i'm not so sure." She brushed it off as she walked away, Bill watching her. He took a second look at the dress and took a mental note of the store. Maybe it would be a nice treat for her.

He hurried along, catching up to Dani and the boys. He pulled out his phone and texted Tom. Tom opened his phone a few minutes later, reading the text and nodding at him while Dani was laughing with Gustav about something they were talking about.

"What shop were the earrings in? You and Bill can grab them, we can go find a place to get food and text you where we are." Tom asked Dani, everyone stopping at the side i between two stores.

"Oh! I think it was the next floor up, but I'm happy to grab them on the way out if you want?"

"Oh no, no, you and Bill can walk around for a bit. Mini-date." Tom teased, making Dani laugh and Bill blush.

"Alright, yeah. You good with that?" She asked Bill, who recollected himself.

"Uh- yeah! Yeah sounds nice." He smiled.

Dani smiled as the group split up. She and Bill walked towards the escalators as the boys walked one way, and immediately turned back and went into the store Dani was eyeing up. Tom sent Bill a smiley face and he smiled.

15 minutes later, Dani had gotten her earrings and Gustav texted her with the restaurant they were at. Everyone met up again, and Tom handed Bill a white bag with black trimming to him under the table. He placed the bag inside the blue bag Dani had, which was sitting inbetween them.

"So? let's see the earrings!" Georg smiled and she pulled them out of her handbag, showing them off in the small box they came in.

"So? let's see the earrings!" Georg smiled and she pulled them out of her handbag, showing them off in the small box they came in

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"They're really pretty." Tom smiled and she thanked him.

"They match your new nails" Gustav noticed.

"Yeah! Bill did them this morning."

"Really? Thought you two were making out." Georg teased and Bill smacked him on the arm not enough to hurt him but enough to get his point across. They both laughed.


Bill's being sneaky 👀

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