Chapter twenty-eight

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The car ride to the airport took around an hour and a half. Bill ended up sleeping most of the way there, Tom and Dani exchanging song recommendations, Georg looking through his social media and Gustav speaking to the tour manager on his phone in german while rifling through everyone's documents and arranging them. He had taken Dani's aswell, as the boys had told her that he was a genius at keeping it all organised and smooth.

Arriving at the airport, there seemed to be quite a few photographers approaching the car.

"Shit, Dani you got sunglasses?" Tom asked her, and she pulled hers out while Tom shaked his twin brother awake.

"They're not your style, if that's what you're asking." She joked and he smiled.

"No, put them on." He handed Bill his own sunglasses and put his on tiredly.

She did as she was told. Their bags had been taken out by the driver and they all stepped out. The few cameras that were there began to click, mostly at the boys one by one.

"Can we get a few words on your tour?" One of them yelled and no one said anything. The boys seemed to be unfazed but Dani just looked a little confused, however following suit.

As they began to walk past, Bill held Dani's hand and helped her get through. It was a small gesture, but sweet. The few cameras flashing captured the moment unknown to Dani.

Walking into the airport, it seemed like a normal day. All 5 of them stood in a circle as Gustav handed everyone their documents in an arranged pile.

"Alright, everyone has the right documents, everyone's here, we're all good." Gustav seemed to have a mental checklist in his mind.

"Let's go check our bags, then we can focus on security." Tom chimed in, everyone agreeing and making their way through the airport to the right area to check their bags.

Getting to the front of the line took around 10 minutes, which wasn't too bad considering the sheer amount of people.

"Passports." The woman at the check-in desk sighed as everyone put their passports up. She didn't even take a glance at them.

"Bag on the conveyer." She was not happy.

Tom placed his bag up as she tagged it and pushed it through. She printed a boarding pass and slipped it in his passport. The same process repeated through the group. As the final bag went through, the woman finally looked up at the boys.

"Oh my god, you're Tokio Hotel." Her face went pale and the boys smiled.

"Yeah, we are." Tom smirked and the woman smiled.

"My daughter is a big fan, can you quickly sign something for her? Just a piece of paper. I promise I won't keep you long."

"Of course." Georg smiled and the woman frantically grabbed a piece of paper and a black marker.

"Just on there." She smiled and the group signed the paper.

"Thank you so much, enjoy your flight guys!" She smiled and everyone left, Gustav taking the passports from the woman.

"See, we are known." Gustav elbowed Dani slightly, making her laugh.

"Yeah, never doubted it. I'm sure you've made her daughter's day."

Gustav handed everyone their passports again, boarding passes poking out the top. Dani placed hers in her bag as everyone else put theirs in a pocket of their own bags.

"Security then?" Bill smiled, he had brightened up slightly since sleeping in the car.

"Yeah, then we can get food and stuff for the plane" Georg stated as everyone kept walking towards the long security line that seemed to stretch for miles.

"This is going to take fucking hours" Bill sighed

"That's what she said"


Shorter chapter bc i have no fucking clue how to write this part of the airport, it's boring af i'll be real
next chapter will be more fun, and i'll have it out sooner to make up for this shit

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