Chapter sixteen

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It was 2:34 in the morning. Everyone had agreed in the car that they would hang out that night, doing absolutely anything. Tom, Bill and Georg had managed to make a blanket fort while Dani and Gustav cooked a pizza. It was pepperoni and actually looked really good for Dani's first attempt at cooking pizza.

The blanket fort was draped over the couch. Bill, Georg and Tom sat on the couch while Gustav and Dani sat on the floor, the pizza on a coffee table that had been moved in between them.

"That interview was mad." She spoke up.

"You handled it so well though, I wasn't expecting him to call you over" Gustav smiled.

"Yeah, it was crazy. The people outside aswell, acting like I'm already famous. Felt weird but nice" She laughed.

"Who knows, if you stay with us maybe you will be famous." Tom smirked

"Yeah, I've heard you sing. You have the potential for a career." Bill spoke, playing with her hair while she sat infront of him. Her hair was silky smooth, his hands slid through it like a warm knife through butter. She smiled, looking up at him.

"Thanks, but I dont know how to write songs at all."

"I can help? I write most of Tokio Hotel's songs." Bill offered.

"Yeah, but... I don't know, I'll think about it."

"If you wanna kick-start your career, get some experience, come with us to shows and recording sessions. You can see how it all works." Georg offered, his voice soft while taking a slice of the pizza.

"That would be nice, thank you!" Dani thanked him.

Everyone ate the pizza while talking about Tokio Hotel's music and their band formation. They ended up talking all the way until 4am, when everyone began walking upstairs to their rooms. Dani followed Bill up to his room, and they both sat on the bed.

"Okay, so. You know how you said I had a career in music?" She asked, holding his hands. He nodded, smiling. He really wanted her to say she wanted to pursue a career in music.

"If I were to be a songwriter, what type of songwriter would I be? Like, I don't know any of this shit. And I won't sleep until I know what your views are because your thoughts mean the world to me." She laughed, lying down next to him.

"I think once you develop more into the music world, your style would change drastically first. Music changes everything, but once you are the one creating that music a lot will change. You might not change much, but your view on the world will."

"Should I go into music? Like I know a lot of theatre- I can make up stories in my head but I don't know how well that would go down with music."

Bill turned to face her and laid down next to her.

"You can be yourself in music, whether that be exactly the same all the time or you create a whole new world. A character, even."

"A character? Like hair and makeup?"

"A storyline. Maybe something like... You were brought up by aliens from another world. That would create a really cool storyline to build a character around." He smiled, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. She laughed at his story idea.

"I mean- You have a point. I will... I will find a storyline if I do go into music. I think that would be really cool."

"You could create movies with your music aswell, like your storyline imagined. It would use your theatre skills too!"

"Oh my god yes!" She was completely geeking out at the idea of being an artist in this type of way. Her feet kicked slowly, hands flapping at intervals where she got really excited. It was so cute in Bill's eyes.

"Are you actually going to consider a career? I think you should." He whispered. She calmed down and smiled at him.

"I'll definitely think about it. I think I need a style change, I look a bit skanky sometimes. I only do it to look my best at school. If you don't look good, you don't last." She contemplated her choices while Bill adjusted a pillow next to her.

"What style would be your dream style, if this style isn't your favourite?"

"I mean... I always dreamed that as soon as I graduated, I would dress however I liked. High school is difficult, so your looks shouldn't get in the way. But, when I went to the mall one time, I saw this girl with bleached streaks in her hair, but not highlights. Like, almost color-blocked. It was so pretty, and I wished I had hair like hers." She watched him smile as she continued telling her story.

"I always dressed in pink because at first, I thought hyper-femininity was the most attractive thing in the world. And sure, It is, but I think that... Ugh, I don't know. Maybe I thought that people would like me more, but that didn't really work. They knew me, sure, but they never fully knew me, you know? They would only talk to me if they were insulting me, or when I stood up for them. Its... It's hard sometimes." She sighed, her happy mood dropping slightly.

"When I was 13, I wanted nothing more than to heal my inner child. I never grew up with a great family, so I would wear my favourite color as a child. Pink. It made me happy. I think it was more about that than hyper-femininity" She sniffed, and Bill hugged her.

"I think I became so focused on that, I lost myself along the way. If I was a child seeing myself now, I would say I barely recognise myself. When my parents went through their divorce, I cried a lot. In class, in the hallways, in the bathroom, anywhere anytime I thought of it. I was discreet about it, putting my head down on the desk, speaking no words to nobody, but people noticed."

She cried in his arms, mumbling the next part through her shaky breaths.

"They called me a crybaby, Bill." She broke down in his arms, and he comforted her without interrupting her. 

She appreciated it so much, but couldn't put it into words at that moment. His thin frame always managed to comfort her, no matter the situation. She could be in a car crash, moments away from dying and his arms would make her feel like everything was a perfectly normal day.

"I didn't think it would affect me, but it did."

He kissed her forehead as she cried, his heart breaking for her through every word.

"I genuinely thought you dressed like that because it was your style. I think... I think you saw it as a coping mechanism." He whispered to her, making her cry more.

"I know... It was my- my way of coping." She sobbed and looked up at him.

"I don't know how to cope anymore." she whispered.

"Make them regret calling you that. Show them who you are." He held the sides of her face, nodding. She nodded back and hugged him again.

Somewhere along the crying, they both fell asleep eventually. She was absolutely exhausted, and he didn't let her go through the night. 


The next morning, Dani's eyes stung as she opened them. They must've been bloodshot from the night before. Her face felt heavy, almost weak. She shook Bill awake after looking at the alarm clock. It was already 10am.

"Hey, hey wake up." She sniffled, trying to fix her hair without a mirror the best she could. He stirred awake, his hands tightening slightly around her waist.

"Five more minutes...Just me and you" He mumbled, his eyes still closed. She smiled and held him tighter, Bill adjusting to her as she laid back down.

"We have to get up soon though." She whispered, closing her eyes as he murmured an agreement. It was clear to her now that he was not a morning person at all.




(also maybe a slight ref to who she becomes in this chapter 👀 lmk in the comments if u find it/understand)

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