(TW) Chapter eleven

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Lunchtime finally came around after a long 3 periods of repetitive classes and talking from annoying teachers.

"Physics next, right?" He asked as her face dropped.

"Yeah, gotta head to my locker first though." She replied, still sulking as she walked over to him. The two walked along the path, looking at the tree they sat under every lunchtime disappear behind the sports hall.

They made it to her locker and she opened it to reveal the mirror on the door, pens and highlighters sorted into 2 small magnetic boxes underneath.

"Mr Down is always so monotone. His lessons are always boring" She explained, adjusting her lashes on her right eye in the mirror. 

"Yeah, I agree. I have him last period, got Geography next door while you're there." He said when a girl came up behind Dani and slammed her hand against the locker beside her. She was pasty white and had short blonde hair, aswell as a mint green tube top on, matching her black sweatpants and doc marten boots

"Girl what the fuck was that for." She asked, closing her locker to look at her.

"Wanted to make you jump. Obviously didn't work." She smiled and turned to Bill.

"Bill, right?" she asked, smiling flirtatiously. He nodded and said hello, not too bothered.

"I'm Monique, nice to meet you." she winked and slapped Dani's ass as she walked away.

"Fuck you!" Dani half shouted, half laughed at her, and Monique put her middle finger up at her, smiling.

"She's a friend of mine. Flirty, but sweet. She's a lesbian, she won't go after you though." Dani explained, still slightly laughing.

"I thought she was gonna fight you, I won't lie." Bill admitted, still a little stunned but laughing along with her.

"Yeah, she's like that."


Ring!! Ring!!

Two rings. Typically it was just one to signify the end of lunch, but this scared Dani. Two rings meant there was something going on.

"We have to go. Go to your class, okay? Two rings are bad. Maybe its just a storm alert, but still." She said, a little frightened.

Bill did as he was told, although concerned and alarmed. Dani went into her classroom just in the next room and sat next to Natalie. She looked up at Mr Down, who was looking extremely alarmed.

"What the hell, why are there two rings?" Natalie muttered to herself, concerned.


Dani jumped, aswell as the rest of the class. A sound of a gunshot was not a good thing in American high schools.

"Alright, everyone in the corner. Now." He half-yelled, turning off the lights and barricading the door with his desk. A few students put their chairs on top, helping him. Dani practically ran to the corner, pulling down the blinds and falling to her knees.

"Everyone, dead silence." Mr Down whispered.

This can't be happening. Not today, not ever. No way.


Two more shots echoed through the hall, as students flinched and cried. Some people were trying to text their parents, but no service could be found. Dani tried texting Bill, asking if he was okay, but the message couldn't send.


They were getting louder, which meant they were getting closer. She heard banging on the lockers, and she knew one thing.

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