Chapter twenty-nine

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"TAKE OUT YOUR PHONES, LAPTOPS, IPODS, IF YOU HAVE YOUR SHOES ON TAKE EM OFF! TAKE EM OFF!" The TSA agent yelled, making everyone feel anxious.

Dani was at the first spot, taking a tray and putting the liquids and electronics into it. Afterwards, she grabbed a second tray and placed her bag into it, along with her white sneakers that she had just taken off.

She lined up for the scanner, the TSA agent waving his hand to signal her going through. She could feel the linoleum floor through her socks as she stepped through. The agent waved her off to get her bag, no alert could be heard. Tom followed through after her, his jeans basically sweeping the floor and giving the janitor a field day.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

The TSA agent smiled as Dani slung her bag over her shoulder, watching Tom be forced to put his arms up. She snickered as he got patted down with Tom laughing as the agent got on his knees, patting down his leg, simultaneously working down. Although, he spent quite a bit of time on the upper half of his jeans.

"You're good to go. Probably your jeans." The agent told him, immediately turning back to the scanner.

"NEXT PERSON PLEASE!" He yelled, making Tom jump as he walked away and making Dani laugh more.

"He got a bit handsy, didn't he." Tom laughed with her as Bill joined them, obviously not needing to being patted down

"It's always you getting patted down." Bill laughed, collecting his bag as Tom held the handle up on his.

As Bill's bag was placed on the floor, Gustav joined them once again.

"He was eyeing me, he had something against me." He laughed.

"Tom just got fully violated by the TSA agent" Dani laughed, Tom laughing more.

"Stop wearing jeans, then you won't be."

"Part of the experience though" Tom countered, making Dani laugh and keel over slightly.

Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

Everyone looked over to see Georg getting patted down by the same guy, still feeling in all the wrong places. Bursting into laughter, Georg walked over and grabbed his bag.

"What is it with American TSA agents, always so touchy-feely" He laughed with everyone.


The terminal itself was massive, with designer shops being seen throughout. Dani's eyes darted around like a kitten seeing its new home for the first time, looking at all the outfits and jewellery in the windows as she made sure to follow the boys.

"Our gate number isn't up yet, so we have a lot of time. Security was fast once you got to the front" Gustav smiled as they stepped onto an escalator.

"Let's get some food, then we can go find somewhere to sit while waiting for the gate number." Bill suggested, and everyone agrees. Finding a small store near them, they split up to get everything they wanted. Dani bought a bottle of water and a few bags of snacks. She hated airplane food with a passion, so she made sure to get quite a bit to make sure she could eat if she didn't like the food they served.

She was the first one to pay, which surprised her. She thought she would be the last, but nope. She found Bill paying and walked over to him, and he pulled her into a quick side-hug.

"Excited?" He asked, and she nodded.

"Can't wait!" She smiled as Bill paid for his food and put it all in his bag.

As everyone else in their group paid for theirs, they all met up again and saw the gate number was still not up. Dani spotted an empty gate, quite a lot of seats were available and they would have a clear view of the departures board so they could check their gate number when it became available.

"How about we sit over there?" Dani asked, pointing over to the area and then looking up at Georg.

"Nice spot, Dani." Georg patted her upper back as Gustav walked over with Tom, who was practically speedwalking to the empty gate. Georg walked over with Dani and Bill following behind him. Tom was already sat down and looked more relaxed than ever, Gustav sat next to him with Tom's and his own passport in hand.

"You don't trust Tom with his passport?" Bill laughed

"I don't trust Tom to walk in a straight line sometimes" Gustav countered, making everyone laugh.

"With those jeans, I understand" Georg teased and Tom hit him on the arm playfully, making Georg laugh.

Dani sat perpendicular to Gustav, Bill sitting down next to her. She held her boyfriend's hand, laughing with the boys infront of her.

"I dress better than you" Tom laughed and Georg shook his head.

"You dress like you're failing to sneakily collect whatever's on the floor with the hems of your jeans. With your height you could be hiding a whole 3'5 dwarf in there."

"I think the TSA agent might've ruled that out." Dani weakly said, trying to contain her laughter. Gustav burst out laughing, covering his face with his hands as he leaned back.

I am desperately trying to get out of this writer's block, and it's sort of working so hopefully i'll be good soon

i'm gonna post an edit on tiktok soon i promise bc it's been a while

anyways i love u guys! <3

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