Chapter thirty

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Already chapter 30? Damnnn aight I been writing this for a while


The announcements for boarding had started with First class, to which a long line of men in suits walked past the group of five.

"It's like Men In Black." Tom whispered, making Dani have to stifle a laugh. After them, a young woman, no older than 23, in a power suit walked behind them holding a Louis Vuitton purse, smiling.

"Damn, she must be a model. She's gorgeous." Dani gazed at her as she walked past them.

"And now Business Class." The Tannoy spoke loudly across the gate and the boys all got up.

"Come on, that's us." Tom smiled as Dani sat in slight shock.

"What?" She got up, grabbed her bag and followed them. She got out her boarding pass to see that her seat was 13A, Business Class.

"How have I only just noticed that?" She whispered to herself, although Bill overheard her and smiled.

The gate agent greeted her and scanned her boarding pass, while Dani looked at the boys ahead waiting for her still in a little shock.

"Enjoy your flight."

"Uh, yeah, thanks." Dani walked through the gate to the boys, Georg and Tom laughing slightly at her shock.

"Yeah, it's your first flight with us all and it's a long flight, treat ourselves, yeah?" Tom elbowed her as they all started walking to the plane, making Dani laugh in slight embarrassment of herself.

"Hi, welcome aboard!" The flight attendant at the plane's door greeted them, taking their tickets and showing them to their seats.

"These are nice, oh my god." Dani gasped and found her seat number. Tom was on the side of her, Gustav and Bill infront of them and Georg on the other side of Dani across the aisle. 

"Do you want me to put your handbag up?" Bill offered after putting his own in the overhead compartment.

"Awh, no it's okay. It'll fit in the footwell." She smiled up at him and he planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Just thought I would offer" He smiled and turned to Georg and Gustav, who nearly got whacked in the face by his bag while he tried placing it into the overhead compartment next to Bill's, Georg laughing at him. 

"Shut up!" Gustav whispered at him, face flushed with a little embarrassment.

"I love you" Bill whispered to Dani and she hugged him close.

"I love you too." She looked up and pressed her lips against his.

"Ahem- Lovebirds." Tom teased them, making Dani laugh and Bill fluster.


It was halfway into the flight. Tom was watching his 3rd movie, Bill was talking to Gustav, Georg was listening to music and Dani was asleep. 

"Yo Dani, you-" Tom turned to her to see her asleep, curled up in her seat with a blanket over her, hugging the small pillow that the airline issued. He saw an opportunity and decided to act on it. He stood up, leaning to the seat diagonally infront of him.

"Gustav, Gustav...Gustav!" Tom whisper-yelled to his bandmate, who turned around.

"Either of you, give me your camera." Tom smiled.

"Why?" Bill asked, confused at Tom's amusement.

"Dani's asleep and I wanna get a picture to use against her."

Opposites attract // Bill KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now