Chapter thirty-one

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"Ugh, thank god!" Dani heard Tom yell as Georg held the door open. He had run to the far bed by the window and flopped onto it face-down.

The hotel was nice, there were two rooms that they could share between them, one being on the second floor and the other being on the fourth.

"Bill and Dani should take the room, I'm not wanting to hear them fucking." Georg smiled with Bill hitting him on the arm in response.

Dani was bright fucking red.

"Fucking hell, don't put it that way" She laughed, hiding her face in her hands.

"I mean, Tom's already passed out in this one so you two can take it. We'll wake him up in an hour for dinner." Gustav laughed, looking over to Tom already asleep.

Dani looked over to Bill, to which he nodded to Gustav and said 'Okay'.

"Uh, yeah let's go. We'll see you at dinner." Dani half-smiled, still pink as they walked away from the other boys' room.

Standing in the elevator, it was pretty awkward from Georg's earlier comment. Dani took off Bill's coat, which she had kept on since he gave it to her at the airport.

"Its warmer in the hotel" She smiled. And just like that, the tension had gone away.

"It looked cute on you" He smiled as the doors opened. Dani held back onto her pink suitcase after re-adjusting her handbag quickly as Bill walked out. He held the elevator doors open as she navigated the large suitcase through the doors.

"Thanks baby" They began walking down to the room, it was through a series of corridors that it felt like a maze. However, they eventually made it to the room.
Bill scanned the keycard that the front desk had given them, and he opened the door.

"If you head inside and hold the door, i'll push the larger bags in. Save wrestling to keep the door open while fitting the bag in." Dani explained, and Bill agreed.

He once again held the door open as Dani moved the bags in. He was such a sweetheart, holding every door open for her no matter what.

Once they got all the bags inside, Dani flopped onto the bed, similar to how Tom did earlier but lying face-up. Bill didn't hesitate to lie next to her, and as soon as she felt him lie down she hugged him close.

"You okay?" He asked, a little concerned but overall happy.

"Yeah, just really happy you're with me." She spoke slowly, savouring every moment she was close to him.

She felt him press his lips to her forehead softly, giving her a feeling of assurance although she didn't need to be assured.

"I'm so excited to have you with us on this tour. I'm more excited to spend more time with you, though."

She climbed onto his lap, holding the sides of his face.

"Thank you for taking me with you." She whispered, pushing his hair softly out of his face with one hand.


"Yeah." She smiled and he kissed her deeply, holding her hips as she held onto his neck.

She could feel the kisses getting hotter and sexier, embracing it all as Bill's hands roamed up her shirt and to her back, unhooking her bra and she pulled her shirt off, throwing her bra onto the hotel room floor. Bill rushed to get his off aswell, tossing it next to Dani's and immediately going back to kissing her.

Maybe Georg was right.

"I love you so much, I actually love you so fucking much." She whispered, tears at the corners of her eyes despite her smiling through her shaky breaths.

Her bare body sunk into the bed as she unhooked her legs from behind Bill's waist. He moved next to her and layed down, she turned to face him.

"I love you too darling." He whispered, pushing her hair to the side.


"Guys, we're going down to dinner!" Tom yelled through the door, making them both jump to get their clothes on.

"Just a second!" Bill yelled through the door while Dani was frantically trying to  hook her bra strap together, her tracksuit bottoms already messily pulled on.

She quickly pulled on her top and brushed her hair, a few strands standing up a little from the static while Bill was buckling his jeans and throwing on his shirt.

She ran to the door and opened it as calmly as possible, putting a weak smile on her face.

"Ready?" Gustav asked, standing behind a VERY intrigued Tom, Georg on the other side of him.

"Yeah, Yeah let's go." Dani smiled as Bill followed her out, holding her hand as they all made their way downstairs to get some food.

lil bit of fun before everyone goes back to school irl (if ur already at school i feel bad for u)

also it's my birthday soon 😍 i'm fucking terrified of getting older

i'm also on holiday rn so if i can't upload as frequently it's bc my wifi is shit and i'm using my data.

Love you guys so so much! <3

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