Chapter Eleven

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Picture; my cat 💙💙💙💙


I looked around my room, or the small pairs infirmary. Everything belonging to me was wiped clean. Irina had left to go back to her mother Xenia. I walked around making sure Cian didn't forget anything. Cian didn't want to leave but he had to, I requested him and Caoimhe.

I looked at the place I slept, nothing on it. Just an army cot with blankets. I sighed as I left the room with a sad looking Ekaterina looking at me, she held out her arms and hugged me. We both walked outside in utter silence, we went outside. I saw a sleeping Caoimhe on Cians back and I smiled slightly. There was a hunch of carriages and cars to take Maria Feodorovna, Cian, Caoimhe and me. I saw mama and the tsar, they waited to bid me, Cian and Caoimhe goodbye.

Officers where there, saying their sorrowful goodbyes to the two siblings. Behind The Tsar, was OTMAA (OLGA TATIANA MARIA ANASTASIA ALEXEI), mama had a handkerchief, wiping her salty tears away. She walked up to me and squeezed me into a hug. She cried in my arms.

She finally let go and I asked the question bothering me, "how long will I stay?" That wasn't a good question because she began sobbing harder. The tsar came to us and kissed me on the cheek. "My darling, we aren't sure how long you, Cian and Caoimhe will be there for, but we will see you frequently. And you have each other." He turned to Cian.

"Come 'ere Cian." He said and they did a weird hug thing. I walked to Olga and she held in tears. She hugged me. "This is for you." She said as she passed me a photo, it was me and the granduchesses taken on the Standart.

Olga had her hand on my head and smiled in the camera. Tatiana held my hand and smiled while she pulled Maria close to her, Olgas free hand held Anastasia close to her too and they both awkwardly smiled.

I approached Tatiana who threw me into an embrace. "Don't forget to write!" She said, I grinned. "Don't forget to visit me." I replied. She did that sad smile she did and slipped her hair clip through my hair. I walked to Maria and Anastasia, it was a painting as a gift. I tried to hug them with all the stuff I had. I saw Cian and Caoimhe say goodbye to their friends and get in. I said my farewells and sat next to Caoimhe.

"Miss." Cian began. Maria smiled at him. "You can call me Maria." She replied. "Maria.. why did you bring me and Kiki?" He asked. "What age did you begin working for the Tsar for a living?" Maria asked. He thought for a moment.

"Seven." He replied, he shrugged also. "Exactly! And nobody cares that your only like fifteen, sixteen." Maria said.

"Oh yeah." He realized. "I like potatoes." He added. "But Caoimhe likes cake." The carriage began moving and I waved goodbye. Olga and Tatiana hugged each other and Tatiana sobbed. Maria frowned with Anastasia.

I felt tears prickle down my cheek. I didn't expect myself to miss them as much as I did. I'd miss my mama, my siblings. Even the tsar even if he was never around. I watched as Anastasia ran after the carriage with Alexei. I felt tears run down as Maria just sat. Caoimhe fell asleep on Cians lap.

Very soon, the palace was gone. And I sat in silence quietly sobbing. Cian was sleep deprived and fell asleep with his sister. I appreciate Cian. He's always been, well cool. He works hard. I felt guilt. I was so rude to my sisters and sometimes to Cian. And now I realize how hard Cian works and that i will never probably see my sisters that often. "You are really going to miss them?" Maria asked me. I kept my eyes on the picture and nodded. "You know, im doing this for you and your friends own safety. Rasputin could've brainwashed you all! As well as the things he did to you." She quited down on that last part.

"Why Denmark? Don't you live in Russia?" I asked her, I was curious. She also looked like my mother too. Like a perfect mix of her and Irina and boom! My mother! "Who knows what that man can do! Like Cian has said. He is a vile creature. And I don't feel safe with you guys in Russia with riots breaking out. We don't need more rumours spreading." She replied.

I appreciate her. She got Cian away from death, but I can't help to think of my siblings. It didn't help this comfort. She tried though. "Astrid, I know this is hard for you. I know you barely know me but give me a chance." She begged. I looked at her and offered her a smile, she smiled back at me and I had others to agrrr with on the Rasputin problem.

I take a look at Maria, i mix her with Irina's frizzy hair and features, I make her hair black and curly with blond and brown bits, i turn her eyes green. That's my mother. "Am I going to have to learn Danish?" I asked. Maria smiled. "Will be useful to know. Does Cian and Kiki know Danish at all?" She asked. I nodded. "Their father is from i mean was from Denmark." I whispered. Cian woke up all of a sudden.

He felt Kiki slip off him and properly got them tied together with a blanket. I watched the town of St Petersburg. The beauty and i soon realised Cians cat was here. Daisy. People riled up just to see us and begin screaming or jumping to see us. I looked at the common people, smiling. I was like them until I came here.

When we reached Maria's yacht, crowds had frowned and was blocked off my officers and soldiers. We boarded the boat. Cian had Kiki on his shoulder as she slept peacefully. I began daydreaming as Cian Put Kiki to sleep and he fel asleep himself. The boats horn went off, we were leaving Russia. A tear was brave enough to release. It felt as if part of me disappeared. I only met these guys a bit ago and I already missed them, when on that September day I didn't wake up to my alarm clock.

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