~•~ 9 - Keitama Nizou ~•~

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Everyone in The Valley knows that Keitama Nizou wants to become a detective.

In the past, he used his detective skills in tracking runaway pets and lost items of Crimson Misfits.

Now, usually, Crimson Misfits wouldn't care about a lost item, as it could be replaced easily, but if it was something of sentimental value, something of which worth could not just be replaced of, they would seek out Nizou.

So far, none of the commissions he had received had been a challenge for him.

With his keen, analytical mind, he can crack any kind of mystery and find any item with even the littlest of hints.

Because of this, everyone in the Shadow Misfits believes that the title of captain of Division 5, Misfit Mind, was fitting for him.


Nizou grew up with Kiuku Inano from the day he was born. Their parents had been good friends and even owned a textile and clothing shop together.

Inano-kun always seems to have a calm mind, his calmness never deterring, even in the most chaotic and deadliest situations.

That is why Nizou usually asks him for a second opinion when he is stuck trying to piece together tidbits of information.

Inano-kun never fails to see aspects Nizou may not have considered at first, helping him in figuring out what the clues mean and what course of action should be taken. Once that is done, they discuss their findings with the Reigning Three and, if needed, choose the best suited members to carry out the mission.

Then they only need to call on the selected members and they come up with a plan to finish the job.

All in all, Nizou is quite happy with each of his division members, all being able to help him plan and oversee the missions and plans of the other divisions.


Living in The Valley, Nizou could only imagine how it would be to be part of the police force as a detective. At times, he finds himself wondering how the police even operate.

However, each time he finds himself stuck with one question.

Why is it that the police never made an effort to go into The Valley and help?

Is it about The Valley's living condition or is there another factor playing into the police force's actions?

Perhaps when he and the others go to UA, he could go and try get some on-field experience in a police station near UA to figure it out himself.


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