«◊» 13 || New school, unconventional teaching «◊»

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"Hitoshi said he'd meet us at the classroom, right? Oh no, what if it was meeting at the gates and he's waiting for us there now, because he expected us to come later! what if-"

Shōkyo places a hand on Izuku's shoulder, stopping his oncoming ramblings immediately. "Easy, anxious bunny. You were right with the first statement: Toshi's at the classroom. If only because he couldn't be bothered enough to go back out when his parents had brought him along about an hour ago. Both of them will start a new homeroom this year, so they had to be extra early to prepare for us first years," she placates him.

Izuku sighs, "s-sorry... I thought I was getting better at not overthinking things, but it's still so hard not to... especially out of costume. As Viridian, I always feel more confident. But without that layer, I'm still the same old nervous mess... I guess being back in the Outside also doesn't make things better."

"It's fine, Zuku. I don't mind assuring you when you fall into your overthinking ramblings. And I know that Toshi thinks the same. As something he would say: 'It's illogical not to help you as my friend.'" That gets a chuckle out of Izuku. "Anywho, we're here," Shōkyo chirps.

Izuku turns towards the large door, 1-A written on it in bold red. "That's... overly large... and overly dramatic... how did I not notice the doors were this big when we had our exams in the classrooms?"

Shōkyo shrugs as she opens the door. "Hell if I know. But it makes sense to have these large doors. It means those whose quirks make them bigger than others can still enter without a problem," she says, walking in, Izuku following behind her.

Inside, they are greeted by two faces, one familiar, one not. "Guys, you're here," Hitoshi states, waving them over to him. "I already looked for your seats on the chart. 'Kyo sits next to me while Zuku sits in front of me." Hitoshi's seat is at the very back by the window, with only one seat next to his.

"There are... 22 seats? I thought a classroom usually only has 20 students here at UA?", Izuku murmurs. "I've overheard dad complain about it," Hitoshi answers as the two of them sit on their seats. "Apparently, the 36th place of the practical exam was a tie between three places and since they all already qualified in the written exam, they were all accepted. I think he said two were sorted into our class while the last is in 1-B."

As they talk, the unfamiliar face comes to greet them. "Greetings, fellow classmates! It is good to see that you're here early, just as an aspiring hero should!", they say, chopping their hand in the air. "I see you're all already acquainted?"

The trio looks at each other for a moment before turning towards their classmate. "... sure, let's go with that. Who exactly are you?", Hitoshi asks. "Oh, let's introduce ourselves first! Hi, I am Midoriya Izuku, he/him. These are Shirami Shōkyo, she/her, and Shinsou Hitoshi, he/him!", Izuku says, pointing at either of his friends when he mentioned their name.

"Ah, right. I am Iida Tenya, he/him, of Soumei junior high! I suppose you three went to the same junior high before this?", Iida introduces himself.

"Kind of," Shōkyo says, "Both Zuku and I do come from the same school, but we haven't been in the same school as Toshi since we were 10, after he had to move, but we still kept in touch nonetheless."

"That's quite the honourable friendship you three have! I suppose you're all pleased that you're in a school together again?"

Izuku nods. "Y-yeah! But it's more than just learning together here at UA. We want to be a hero trio! It's only right that we're here together," he explains. The trio continues talking with the uptight boy as more and more students enter the classroom.

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