~•~ 30 - Kiuku Inano ~•~

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If someone wanted to find Kiuku Inano, one would go to either Nozomi or Shōrai park and follow the sound of a faint flute.

When finding him, you'll find him playing tunes on a leaf. If asked about the tunes he plays, he merely answers that it's what he can hear in nature's sounds.

And that's all someone needs to know to understand what kind of person he is. Inano is the calmest and most undeterred person anyone will ever meet. He always wears a calm smile that can put even the most agitated and panicked person at ease.

He's also one of the only ones who can keep Tamashi Shirin in check, keeping her busy by engaging in random poetry battles to stop her from her pranks.

It's also why he gets along with most of the other members. His calm and gentle demeanour makes him easily liked amongst his peers.

Not to mention, his unique outlook on things have helped with planning and is the reason for his recruitment as Ivory of Division 5.

A person's mind is their sharpest tool, so is the belief Inano lives by. He spends a lot of his time observing his surroundings, picking it apart piece by piece, learning any and all details he can. It's led to him finding many of the villain hideouts over the years.

Besides that, he finds himself on field a lot as well, spying on villains and criminals, stealthily following them and then taking them down.

He may not be someone you would peg to like violence - he doesn't - but he will gladly fight for the safety of The Valley.


When hearing the sound of a flute in the dead of the night, most Crimson Misfits feel at ease by the sound. However, the Shadow Misfits in the area know that it means that there is a villain base that was found nearby, but that Inano is unable to leave unnoticed and use the coms without being heard.

It takes only a moment for more Shadow Misfits to come and fight the villains together.

It became so much of a normal occurrence that even if it is a planned villain base takedown, the flute is the signal to attack. It's become Inano's thing for whenever he was assigned as the overseer of a takedown mission.

The soothing sound of his leaf flute lure even the toughest villains into a false sense of security. It's the perfect set up for an ambush.

So, something as simple as a hobby mixed with his quirk, is one of many reasons for successful missions of the Shadow Misfits.


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