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As soon as his pencil fell on the ground he snapped out of it and understood there was no way he could concentrate. He had a hard time doing so all morning but he ignored Yoongi who told him to go home as no one would have wanted having half-ass designs for their future tattoos. He was working on a large piece which involved a traditional Chinese dragon and normally, he would have finished the sketch in a couple of hours but it was past noon and the paper sheet was almost blank.

He woke up with Jimin by his side in the morning and as lovely as the image was, some thoughts couldn't leave him alone. He knew he promised the boy he would take care of him but a part of him knew it would have been easier to simply let him go before things would become serious and real feelings would be involved. He didn't want that. There was something about the pink-haired boy that outlined his protective nature and as hard as it was for him to admit, it was nice to take a break from his routine.

Jungkook loved BDSM as soon as he realised it was the simplest way in which he could deal with his emotions. There were no blurred line, the feelings had to be outspoken and the rules settled but even like that there have been times in which he only received coldness from his partner. All his relationships have been dissatisfying and disappointing; his subs were either too well trained and he felt like they had no actual personality, either disobeyed when it came to things he couldn't forgive. It was boring, too. Jimin was different – they enjoyed each other's company so much that he sometimes forgot they had an agreement so the previous night has been like a wake-up call. He definitely liked Jimin but physical contact was important for him and so were honestly and trust. He is hurt. Something pulled at his heart at the thought he knew one hundred percent that was true. The student was selfish, thinking he could trick him so he wouldn't lose what they had.

"You have a visitor." Yoongi's voice sounded borderline annoyed so he looked up, surprised that he didn't hear the bell that usually rang when the door opened. Jimin was smiling shyly at him while holding a huge coffee and what seemed to be a paper bag filled with pastries.

"Hello." He whispered. "I hope I'm not intruding."

"You're not. You can take him out of here, he's useless today." Yoongi muttered and Jimin's eyes following his hands as he cleaned his utensils. Jungkook jumped to his feet and hurried to introduce them before thanking the boy for the goodies he especially bought for him.

"I would have brought you some coffee too, Yoongi-hyung, but I don't know how you prefer it."

"It's okay, kid. We have a coffee maker in the back." Jimin face fell for a second as soon as he heard the news but he approached his dom with tiny steps. It was obvious that he was feeling guilty, even if they parted on good terms a few hours before. Jungkook smiled at the adorable sweater paws he became familiar with and leaned to press a soft kiss on a covered forehead. His arm sneaked around the other's middle when he observed how curiously he was staring around the room.

"It's your first time in a tattoo parlour, right?" Jimin nodded and bit on his lower lip. "Do you want me to show you around?"

"Yes. Is that made by you?" A short finger pointed to the poor sketch of the dragon's head.

"Yes, I have an entire catalogue if you're interested." He was so they spent the time until Yoongi's next appointment there, staring at patterns and briefly explaining the steps of tattooing. "Have you ever thought of getting a tattoo?"

"Not really." Jimin's giggles sounded like little bells. "You're really talented, though. Hyung too." Yoongi was about to add something when the door opened and a young blonde girl entered. She was sporting a sleeve tattoo so Jimin understood it was a client and leaned closer to the taller man.

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