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"First, I need you to fill this form." Jimin took the papers shyly, his left hand holding tightly on Jungkook as he scanned all the questions he needed to answer. The only reason why he was feeling at ease was because his boyfriend decided to accompany him to the therapy session but in the short time experience he managed to realise that the old woman sitting across him had no intention to hurt him.

He never took this type of help in consideration because he wouldn't have imagined opening up to a complete stranger in the first place but he relaxed once he understood Mrs. Wang has been informed about the fact that he was a little. Yoongi made sure to instruct her when it came to his personality and Jimin couldn't thank him enough for relieving him of so much pressure. It was an introduction so the student decided to talk about his anxiety first, briefly mentioning his self harm but never showing the actual results of it that were lying underneath his long sleeves. Mrs. Wang was patient and kind and by the time they parted he concluded that seeing her by himself was alright and that he wanted to learn how to get better.

He felt motivated to improve his state of mind and as it was a first, his thoughts were overwhelming. Sixty minutes passed faster than he would have wanted to and as soon as the cold air began tickling his cheeks he felt his eyes getting tingly from the tears that started to form. He blinked repeatedly so he wouldn't start crying in the middle of the street but Jungkook must have seen right through him because he took the scarf he was wearing around his own neck and wrapped it around his before pulling him into a tight hug. Being held while feeling so insecure was the best thing in the entire world and he was happy his boyfriend was so attentive.

"I'm proud of you." The tattoo artist whispered into his hair and slowly let go in order for their hands to join. A few minutes of silence passed as they made their way down the street, heading towards the elder's car. As soon as they got inside of it they turned on the heating and Jimin unzipped his winter jacket, not making a move to take the scarf off. "Where do you want us to go?"

"I don't know." He was not hungry and he didn't feel like going back to his or Jungkook's so he shrugged and rested his head against the window as soon as he felt the car starting.

"Road trip?" It sounded perfect so the younger smiled at his boyfriend's attempt to improve his mood. It was not that he was feeling down, his feelings were just all over the place and he needed a few moments to gain control over them. Thankfully, Jungkook turned on the radio but started no conversation as slow songs in English began flooding the car, his beautiful voice humming along to them.

"Paper Hearts" by Tori Kelly came on and cinnamon eyes widened in surprise at the sound of it, his heartbeat increasing.

"This is my favourite song!" They were waiting at a red light so Jungkook turned to look at him, happy to see how drastically his disposition changed. He was surprised to see how well his baby followed every line, how he was pouring his heart in every English word he was struggling to reproduce.

They drove all the way to Muuido Island and tried to have a short walk on the beach but the wind was blowing too violently and the air was too cold for that. Their stomachs were protesting loudly when they entered Jungkook's apartment so the first thing they did was to agree on what to have for dinner. Kimchi sounded perfect because it was fast, warm and easy to prepare so they had the meal on the living room's floor, the TV on.  Jimin felt more like a roommate than a guest so he offered to wash the dishes when his boyfriend bribed him with kisses to forget all about it and lure him to the bedroom.

"Come on, I have something for you." The pink haired boy scrunched his nose.

"Why do you always buy me things?"

"Because I enjoy spoiling you." A loud peck was placed on the side of his neck before he felt arms scooping him up and carrying him away from the kitchen counter without much protest. He enjoyed the way he was always handled with so much care; Jungkook seemed to believe he was made of glass so he smiled contently as the latter abandoned him for a minute to look through the things lying on his desk.

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