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Jimin was aware of the things he did. He knew why people were staring and whispering whenever he passed by and as hard as some days were, he was proud of himself. He never managed to be who he truly wanted to be during high school because of his painful shyness but once he reached college he decided he would do exactly what he felt like. He dyed his hair pink during the first year and around the same time he began buying his cute clothes, most of them pastel-coloured. The first time he wore lip gloss and an entirely-pink outfit people concluded that he was a "faggot" and that never actually changed.

His appearance was the reason why he was pushed while walking down the halls, being called names and having boys reproaching him that he looked like a girl. He sometimes thought about giving up but at the same time he couldn't imagine abandoning the only thing that made him feel somewhat free.

He was lying in bed and honestly, it wasn't his best day. It was Saturday so there was no wander he didn't get up yet as it was barely noon and he had nothing planned. Normally, he would have spent the entire day reading but his mind was running too wildly for that and he knew he couldn't have concentrate on whatever novel he would have picked. He snorted while thinking about how people from his uni would react if they would see his room. It was not as pink as they probably would imagine it but it was filled with his impressive collection of stuffies and there were cute things everywhere – from his boudoir to his huge closet. Bunny felt his uneasiness so he jumped on the bed before nuzzling his cheek, making him smile a bit.

"Hi, baby." He whispered to the black cat that snuggled closer to him, enjoying the fingers gently caressing the fur in between his ears. Bunny was the cat he adopted with Taehyung back when they were 16 and now that they were living together they both could see him all the time. His bestie was out of Seoul for the weekend with some other acting majors so he wondered if that had anything to do with how lethargic he was feeling.

His phone buzzed so he lazily grabbed it.

From: Jungkookie

What are your plans for today, kitten?

He smiled at the cute pet name and rolled so he was resting on his tummy.

To: Jungkookie

Nothing really. Would you like to come over?

In the few weeks they've been seeing each other he's been visiting Jungkook quite a lot and he was positive that he wanted his Dom to see his place. As soon as he received an affirmative answer he got up and went to take a shower and change himself into something nicer. He decided a pair of shorts and white knee-high socks were perfect, especially as he was drowning one an oversized pale yellow shirt that was entirely covering his shorts.  He answered the door with a huge smile on his face about an hour later and Jungkook pressed a soft kiss on his lips before taking in the nice smell of coffee.

"Are you hungry?"

"I had brunch with Yoongi. Did you eat?" Jimin tugged on his hand, leading him to the kitchen as soon as he abandoned his shoes.

"I had fruit loops in the morning." He whispered innocently as the other sat down one on the chairs and followed him with his eyes. He poured the hot drink into two cups and offered one to Jungkook, sitting right beside him. "No appointments today?" The man sipped on the liquid before grinning and shaking his head – it was ridiculous how happy he was to see the boy.

"I rarely work during the weekends."

Jimin rested his head on his shoulder and exhaled loudly when he felt a hand sneaking around his waist. The tattoo artist's presence was calming and he wanted to spend the day like that, stealing kisses and caresses from time to time.

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