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Mrs. Wang asked if you could come with me to the next session." Jimin was watching him with wide eyes, as if he was afraid he was going to receive a negative answer. Jungkook smiled and began tickling the little feet resting on his lap, causing for giggles to fill the room as his boyfriend squirmed under his gaze.

"When is the appointment? I'll make sure to clear my schedule so I can come."

"It's the day after tomorrow at 10 AM." The younger boy said as if it was a secret and crawled closer to the tattoo artist who immediately welcomed him in his arms. They talked often about how the therapy was going because Jungkook found it essential to know if there was progress or if they were stuck in the same place. "She told me that I have trust issues because I'm not confident."

"Confident?" The man asked and kissed the side of his head before intertwining their fingers.

"Yes – I have low self esteem and because of that I..." He took a few moments to make sure he got the words right. "I find it hard to believe that I'm worthy of your love." Jimin knew that it was the truth but it was the first time he was saying it out loud and he was afraid he was going to be misunderstood. He knew his Daddy loved him endlessly but his brain didn't cease to try to convince him otherwise and the battle was incredibly tiring. "So she told me you have to help me."

"How can I help?" The tone was of a man who was ready to do anything so the brown-haired boy chuckled before hiding his face in the other's chest.

"You have to tell me ten things you like about me." The artist grinned at the request and moved so he could look into cinnamon eyes. It wasn't like Jimin to fish for compliments and he knew it was hard for him to make requests so he was going to make sure that they were on the same page before speaking. His bigger hand was wrapped around short fingers and he pulled the boy until he was resting on his lap to nuzzle their noses together.

"How about we make it ten a day? I don't think I can limit myself to so little." Cheeks turned a lovely shade of pink but he didn't give up, knowing how much his boyfriend loved to be praised.

"If you want to..."

"I really want to, sweets." Jungkook cooed and leaned so his lips could press chastely against plumper ones. "Okay so we'll start with number one." Another kiss. "You have the prettiest smile in the whole wide world." Eyes turned into crescents right after the sentence has been spoken and the tattoo artist grinned widely at the sight of them, his hands going to cup squishy cheeks. "It makes me happy whenever I think about it."


"Really." The elder reassured him as his thumbs caressed soft skin. "Number two would be the fact that you're the kindest person I've ever met. You're always taking care of the people around you and I think that's something I need to learn from you."

Jimin founded it surreal that his boyfriend found some of his character's traits inspiring so he hurried to hide his face by burying it inside a strong chest, unsure how he was going to face the eight things that followed. It was not that he lacked compliments because Jungkook made sure to remind him daily that he was worth all the hardships they were facing as a couple, that he found him beautiful and that he wouldn't have wanted anyone else but he still felt shy. He appreciated that he hasn't been asked to reveal his face because his skin was boiling as the man continued to whisper the sweetest things.

Jungkook loved the way he was tripping over thin air, his sweater paws, his squeaky laughter. He promised he wouldn't leave.

The bashfulness caused for him to slip into little space so when lips searched his he pecked them briefly, making the elder understand there was no wish for more. It was different every time, he sometimes craved intimacy but there were days in which he couldn't stand the idea of going past kisses while feeling so vulnerable.

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