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Jungkook was ashamed of himself. His hand was shaking as he placed the cigarette in between his lips but he tried to ignore it, his mind flooded by the previous night's memories. It was Yoongi who had told him what kind of atrocities he managed to say to Jimin and his stomach twisted whenever he would recall them, the image of his baby scared and crying because of him running in front of his eyes again and again. He was on his apartment's balcony and the sun was slowly making its entrance, reminding him that he didn't manage to sleep a wink ever since he has been dropped off by his hyungs.

He rubbed his face with both hands and took a deep breath, trying to exhale all the frustration and the regret that have been nesting inside his chest. He hoped Jimin was sleeping; he would have waited for him in front of his and Taehyung's apartment but realised that would have been completely inappropriate and would have made everyone uncomfortable. He was going crazy with presumptions, he wanted to apologise and talk things through as soon as possible but he wasn't going to force Jimin in a conversation he wasn't feeling ready for.

He has been an idiot but he was selfish enough to want to make things better.

Jimin watched as Taehyung poured milk over his cornflakes and placed the bowl in front of him before sitting down beside him. Familiar warmth wrapped around him as he was enveloped into a tight hug and Tae rested his head on his shoulder.  He smiled at the sweet gesture and kissed the top of the grey head while murmuring a raspy "thank you".

It was the first time he was refusing to open up to his best friend but he knew it was for the best because he wanted not to form a biased opinion about what happened. It was 9 AM but his body was aching as if he didn't sleep like the dead for hours, his eyes puffy and stinging from the many tears he has shed. He didn't even bother to tend for his cuts, he simply threw a shirt on and decided it was wiser to ignore them, just like he did with his phone. It was selfish of him but he didn't want to check on any of the messages he received from Jungkook.

"I can skip today." Taehyung said, his voice calm and compassionate. "We can watch Disney movies and eat sweets until you feel better and we get cavities." Jimin grinned weakly at the tempting offer but had to refuse, knowing he couldn't intervene in his soulmate's routine.

His cereals got soggy before he managed to take a spoonful for Tae's sake and he returned to his bedroom, scooping Bunny up on the way. The cat seemed to sense his distress because he was spending a lot of time rubbing against his feet as if he was trying to cheer him up. It was unexpectedly comforting to have a little being curled beside you so he didn't protest when Bunny jumped on his bed and made himself comfortable on top of his octopus plushie. Something pulled at his heart when his eyes landed on the pink toy so he sighed and lied down on his side, closing his eyes in the process.

Jungkook made a mistake, he was aware that wasn't the end of the world. What hurt the most was the idea that he never thought his Dom capable of talking to him like that; he was fearing those were the tattoo artist's real feelings and he needed Jimin to do something bad for them to surface.

Cut that shit.

He tried to focus on his breathing, trying not to lose control of his feelings until he heard his bedroom's door opening. Taehyung came to tell him that he was going to hurry back home once he was done with his classes.

He had no idea how much time he spent like that but he snapped out of it once he heard his phone buzzing yet again. He blindly searched for it with his hands and felt his heartbeat increasing in pace when the lockscreen lit, informing him that it was already an hour past noon. He had a 3 missed calls and 6 new messages – all from Jungkook. He tapped on the little yellow envelope and felt his pulse becoming deafening as he scrolled through the texts.

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