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Rain was pouring like the sky has just broken and Jimin sighed, pleased by the way raindrops were sliding down the window he was leaning against. He was holding a cup of hot tea and he couldn't have imagined spending the day any other way because he didn't feel like leaving the house or interacting with people he wasn't fond of. A part of him was worried because he was skipping a lot of classes but there were days like this one – in which he couldn't properly function.

He was happy he had the apartment for himself because as harsh as it sounded, he couldn't have possibly faced his best friend's constant jolliness. It didn't last long until he slipped in between the covers once again and tried to count while breathing, futilely trying to get rid of the suffocating pressure that nested inside his chest. It felt like his insides were strangled so he could only curl on a side, mirroring Bunny who was sleeping at his feet. Jungkook was supposed to drop by for lunch and as much as he wanted to see his boyfriend he hoped the time would pass slowly because he couldn't even think of verbal communication.

He muted his phone and closed his eyes, trying to inhale and exhale while listening to the late autumn rain but his heartbeat didn't slow back down to normal. He didn't know what to do in this type of situations because his thoughts were out of control and he was used to just endure it until it naturally passed, no matter if it took minutes, hours or days. Cutting made it a lot better; it might have been the placebo effect but whenever he was hurt physically he felt his mind going blank and it had the most calming effect. He cried out of frustration because he promised he would not harm himself so by the time Jungkook knocked on the door he looked like a puffy-faced mess.

"Hello." As soon as their eyes met the elder understood where they were standing so he dropped the bags he was carrying and initiated a bear hug that enveloped the entire smaller body. "I'm happy to see you."

"I'm happy to see you too." Jimin whispered back against a soft shirt and pulled away, his stomach in knots but protesting because of the hunger. They ate in a silence that could have been uncomfortable if Jungkook wouldn't have known that was what his boyfriend needed. They were abandoning the dirty dishes in the sink when the pink-haired boy decided to voice his feelings. "It's a bad day, you don't have to stay with me if you have other things to do"

The tattoo artist smiled sadly at the selflessness and leaned to press a kiss to his baby's forehead before shaking his head and letting himself lead to the bedroom. It was the first time they were together in the small room ever since before that terrible night so he has been surprised to find all the plushies away from the bed, as if they were meant to be forgotten by their owner. A pile of books was stealing the show and Jungkook suspected they were his boyfriend's monthly reads so he read the titles as Jimin searched for a pair of sweatpants in which he could change. They climbed in the narrow bed so they would face each other, their knees touching, Jungkook's hand shyly placed on the other's waist, its owner not sure of how much closeness was needed.

The pink-haired boy was beautiful, he decided for the thousandth time. He couldn't get enough of that adorable slightly-swollen face, he would have spent days searching the mesmerising features with his fingertips, making sure to memorise every patch of pale skin and warmth. Eyelids were trembling with every blink as brown orbs were studying his face, parted lips betraying the uneven breathing. Jimin was a work of art and the man swore he wouldn't give up until he would make him realise that.

"What are you thinking about?" He could hear the buzzing of his insecurities. An almost imperceptible smile followed and the elder wondered why he was feeling like he was stepping on his own breaking heart.

"You." The boy's eyes became glassy so he blinked slowly, feeling his eyelashes getting soaked as he encouraged his teardrops to roll down his face. He knew he must have seemed crazy but he couldn't stop himself, the sobs becoming more violent as soon as the elder scooted closer. Their foreheads were touching and Jungkook pressed their lips together shortly and sweetly, not wanting to suffocate him.

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