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"Daddy, look!" Jimin said loudly while his hands that were covered by sweater paws raised his brand new drawing in order for the elder to see. January passed without them even realising so February found them promising they would spend more time with each other, the exam season that was slowly approaching causing for the pink-haired boy to be extremely stressed. He was in headspace a lot so Jungkook had a set of new rules he was trying to follow, all of them having the same objective: having his boyfriend feel at ease.

The sheet was covered in colourful jellyfish and they looked pretty good so the elder grabbed it in order to study it from up close. The colours were vibrant and he would have commented something about the trembling lines but the Bambi eyes studying his expression convinced him to forget about it. That was not a stencil for a client, it was his baby's hard work.

"It's beautiful, love." He smiled as soon as he realised a huge grin was flashed in front of him and reached for his phone in order to unlock it and take a picture of the drawing. "I think it'll be my new homescreen."

"What's on your lockscreen, then?" Jimin came to peek at the screen, his chin shyly resting on a broad shoulder. His cheeks dusted with a light shade of pink when a picture of himself was revealed – one that has been taken on one of their dates; he was smiling widely and his eyes have been turned into crescents. "Oh."

"It's not my fault that you're so pretty, is it?" The answer came in the form of the student hiding his face in the curve of his lover's neck and an arm instinctively locked around his middle, pulling him closer. "Do you want to draw some more?" The nod that followed was so enthusiastic that Jungkook decided to forget all about the things he had to get ready until the following day.

They chose "dinosaurs" as the theme and the tattoo artist went for the T-rex without a thought, surprised by his boyfriend's choice which was a Diplodocus. A few months ago he couldn't have guessed he would turn into a dinosaur connoisseur but because of Jimin he now knew the differences between Sauropods and Theropods. His boyfriend's favourites were the herbivores because they seemed "friendly" so nothing stopped him from educating the other about them whenever he had the chance.

"I think his neck could be used as a slide." The pink haired boy decided after finishing his handiwork, eliciting a low chuckle.

"I wouldn't let you get close to that thing even if it was possible."

"Why not, Daddy?"

"What if he'd eat you?"

"He only eats plants." Jimin pouted and placed the green crayon he has been holding until then back on the coffee table they chose as their workplace.

"What if he'd think you're a flower?" Giggles filled the room and the younger of the two would have added something if it wouldn't have been for his stomach who loudly announced that it was dinner time.

They settled for pasta because it was the fastest dish to prepare and by the time they cuddled in bed Jimin was still in little space so Jungkook decided he should read him a chapter from the book he was currently reading. It was an Agatha Christie novel but as interesting as it was, the student couldn't help the sleepiness that was taking over, his mind filled with thoughts of gratefulness. He wouldn't have minded spending the rest of his life in that state of constant happiness.

January has been kind to the literature student. His relationship with his boyfriend was blooming everyday and beside that he managed to learn a lot more about each member of their now-common group of friends. Seokjin and Namjoon were still sorting their feelings but that didn't mean the eldest shied away from spending time with them and Jimin found a good companion in him, their personalities matching perfectly (the pink haired boy was the only one who would laugh his ass off at Jin's dad jokes).

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