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The boy they were facing was beautiful, indubitably. His blue eyes betrayed the fact that one of his parents must have been a foreigner and Jimin felt them burning holes into the skin of his face so he decided to look downwards before a bright smile could strike him, unsure of what the dynamics between the stranger and his boyfriend have been. He didn't want to let himself be intimidated by something that happened way before they have met.

"I never thought I'd see you here." The boy chuckled after he said that and the sound distracted Jimin from the fingers that were still intertwined with his and that were meant to remind him that everything was alright.

"It's been a while, Minhyuk. You don't have to call me sir. I'm not your sir anymore." Jungkook's tone was playful and his hand moved so it could wrap around his lover's lower back, getting his attention.

"I guess old habits die hard." The younger was already changing his weight from one leg to the other but he decided to focus on his breathing, trying to think reasonably. No matter how pretty that Minhyuk was, he knew the tattoo artist had nothing to do with him and it was very improbable for that to change. "And who are you?"

"Park Jimin, my boyfriend." Jungkook presented him (he knew he wasn't necessarily fond of introductions) and he looked into ocean eyes as he extended his free hand for the other to grab. Being called his "boyfriend" and not his "submissive" must have taken the boy by surprise because his lips remained parted for a few seconds before they curled into an amiable smile.

"It's nice to meet you, Jimin! I'm sorry I've randomly interrupted your date, I didn't mean to intrude."

Maybe if that wouldn't have been the given situation, he would have befriended Minhyuk because the young man seemed to be very sweet.

"Don't worry about that." It stung a little bit – he wished that weekend would have belonged to them and them alone but unfortunately that was not how life worked and he had to deal with it.

"I'd love to catch up, Minhyuk, but we're in the middle of something." Jungkook's words lacked hostility and Jimin was endlessly grateful for their presence. It might have been selfish of him but he wanted to go back to being just the two of them, he wanted to continue to steal kisses and to have sweet things whispered to him because it was their getaway and the time was limited.

"Of course, I just wanted to say hi." Minhyuk smiled wider. "I hope you're happy, hyung."

"I am and I hope you are too."

The brown-haired boy couldn't remember how he got into the tunnel that lead to the sharks' area and realised what was going on only when he spotted two hammerhead sharks. He walked a little too fast in their direction and tried to read the few words that were written about that tank but realised he couldn't concentrate on their meaning, his anxiety probably playing tricks on him. There weren't a lot of things that could be said about the meeting and he had no idea if they were going to talk about it – half of him wanted to, the other half didn't.

"Min –" Jungkook sounded apologetic so he turned around and put a little smile on display in order to signalize that he wasn't upset at all. "What are you thinking about?"

"He's beautiful." The tattoo artist was ready to protest so he hurried to continue. "But you love me, not him."

Surprise was an insignificant word compared to what the man was truly feeling. He expected his baby to be upset, maybe even be anxious or slip in little space because of the unexpected event but the outcome was better than he could have imagined. He felt his heart swell at the thought of how much they've progressed since they first started dating – Jimin was slowly learning how to love himself and along that evolution came the growing trust in their relationship.

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