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"I need to see your schedule for today." Yoongi's voice was still hoarse so he sipped from his cup of coffee, watching Jungkook as the latter grabbed his notebook.

Mondays were not easy on them and they had a special appointment that day so they needed to be extra careful with the way they were planning their clients. Long fingers struggled to get to the last scribbled page but he stopped right before it because there was a stranger's handwriting on one of the pages. Maybe he wouldn't have observed it if he wouldn't have left that page blank on purpose and he furrowed his brows when he recognised the small but pretty letters.

I fell in love with you

His face looked like it was going to be split in two by a signature bunny grin as he read and reread the words, warmth spreading all through his body. He decided he wanted to hear those words out loud so he licked his lower lips as he began searching for the schedule once again. He bribed Yoongi into tattooing him so he was acting very obediently, not wanting to piss his hyung.

"Is the afternoon fine? I think it will take more than three hours."

He nodded absentmindedly and grabbed his phone in order to text Jimin.

To: Minnie

I found your secret note

It took a few minutes for his phone to buzz and he chuckled when he saw the message he received consisted of a blushing face emoji. He asked his boyfriend he would like to come by the studio after classes were done so they could have dinner together and returned to his job, knowing the first session was going to be quite difficult as it was a tattoo placed on the ribs.

Time went by easily so when Jimin entered the place he was already on the tattooing chair, his arms placed on the backrest as Yoongi was working his magic. He was getting a realistic picture of a wolf's head on his upper spine and he couldn't hold back from laughing at the shocked expression of his boyfriend.

"Are you getting another one?" It was not a reproach, it was pure fascination so Yoongi answered instead of him and told him he could get closer to see if he wanted to. A purple backpack was forgotten on a chair before he did as he was told and his lips parted in order to form a cute "o".

"I think I need a good luck kiss." Jungkook muttered, a barely-noticeable pout forming. Jimin didn't hesitate to lean closer and press a short peck on his cheek and felt his face heating at the realisation that they were not alone. He felt shy now that his Daddy found his little confession and he was curious to see how things were going to evolve.

"No PDA." Yoongi almost whined and dipped the needles in ink once again.

"He's just jealous that he doesn't get a kiss too." The brown-haired man whispered loud enough for everyone to hear. Jimin bit on his lower lip in order not to laugh and anger the elder and sat down on the empty chair placed next to the others'. It was not surprising to see how talented Yoongi was but the movements of his hands were hypnotising. It was hard to concentrate on the current artwork because he could spot a few more tattoos in the lower back area and the entire show was mouth-watering, Jungkook's muscles outstanding with each inhale and exhale.

"So why don't you tell us about your day?"

Jimin began to talk about his classes and the lunch he had with Taehyung and how the latter joined a strange club that was made of swingers. He naturally avoided the story of how he's been pushed inside the bathroom and received a slap across his face because he was sure no one wanted to hear about it.

When they were done Jungkook thanked Yoongi with a hug that the elder seemed to secretly enjoy before dressing his shirt and going closer to steal a kiss from the pink-haired boy. He seemed to be in an extraordinarily good mood because they parted with bright smiles and fingers interlocked on their way to the car. They were waiting at a red light when Jungkook took off his seatbelt in order to attack the other's lips, his tongue daring as it entered the hot mouth Jimin immediately offered access to. A hand squeezed a thick thigh so the younger moaned loudly already needing more but a horn startled the both of them.

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