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"Up!" Jimin raised both his arms at the request, allowing his boyfriend to slip his night shirt on. It felt soft around his body and he had to cover his mouth with a hand as he yawned, his eyelids almost losing the battle against sleepiness. The matching pants were also helped on before Jungkook moved him so he could lie down and burry his face in the comfortable pillow.

It has been an eventful day, the Christmas Eve. They decided the tattoo artist would spend the holiday at their place so the three of them spent the day decorating the Christmas tree and the entire apartment, the place flooded with ornaments and fairy lights. They were satisfied with the results so they called it a night a few hours before midnight, the couple heading to Jimin's room where they ended up making love. It has been passionate enough to wear the student out so it was no wonder he could barely stay awake after taking a shower and Jungkook decided it was for the best because he had to sneak the presents under the Christmas tree.

"Daddy ~" Jimin whined as soon as he got up so he would pick some clothes for himself from his suitcase. "Snuggles, please." He pouted and grabbed one of the stuffed animals he could reach so he would hug it close to his chest.

"I'm coming, angel." The bed was smaller than the size they were used to but that made it easier for them to cuddle so he couldn't complain. He tried to spoon his baby but the boy turned around so they would be facing each other, whining demurely as he buried his face in the crook of his neck.

"I can't wait for Santa to come." Jimin and Taehyung baked cookies for the red-suited old man and they even took the time to write letters so Jungkook was sure he was telling the truth. His boyfriend's innocence was adorable and he wished to protect it at all costs. "Do you think he will bring me presents?"

"How could he not? You've been such a good boy, you must be on the nice list." He felt a smile spreading on the lips pressed against his neck so he mirrored it, his palm gently rubbing a covered back.

"Having you here is the best present." Jimin whispered and yawned once again, his eyes finally closing. It has always been only Taehyung and him, ever since they both moved out and as much as he appreciated his best friend not going back to Daegu so he wouldn't be left alone, Christmas still felt lonely. It was the first time he didn't think about his previous Holidays, his parents not occupying his mind like they would have before, and he felt whole. Jungkook's presence didn't allow him to overthink, he was constantly laughing at the jokes he was cracking or getting flustered because of the many compliments that were whispered in his ear, no matter the surroundings.

"You should stop eating so much string cheese, you're becoming cheesy." Jimin would have wanted to fake anger but he couldn't because giggles filled the room, his hand gently swatting the abdomen it was resting on. "I'm kidding, baby. I'm the happiest man right now."

The younger didn't need more than ten minutes to actually fall asleep and Jungkook watched him sleep for a while, allowing his fingers to play with the soft cotton pink hair that was freshly dyed. The task of getting out of bed has been difficult but once he made it to the living room where the Christmas tree was placed, he was surprised to see that many wrapped gifts were already situated underneath it. The thought of Taehyung working faster than him made him grin – he absolutely adored the relationship his boyfriend had with his "soulmate" and he knew he could trust the acting student to keep the other happy.

There were a lot of things he bought for Jimin – from lipsticks and lip glosses to skirts and a baby pink Polaroid. He observed his kitten has been eager to have evidence of memories lately, he was taking a lot of pictures. It might have been because he was enthusiastic to use the camera of his bright new phone that happened to be rose gold but he wanted to make everything he could to see him happy. He took the colourfully-wrapped items from his secret spot and placed them under the table before grabbing the note placed on the coffee table.

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