Tears of the Kindgom Special - Homebound

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I wondered, more and more recently, how exactly I'd ended up in this situation. I'd been in this situation lots of times before, certainly.

It was a situation I was well-versed in, one I was comfortable in, a situation that wasn't exactly a situation, so to speak. The time and place didn't matter. It was always a different place, at a different time.

The only constant was him.

And me, I suppose.

The situation is a deceivingly simple one to fall for, but by now, was I really still so gullible as to fall for it? Surely not. Surely, I was allowing it to happen.

I smiled, because giving myself at least a little bit of stock in it made me feel like I had a part in it, at least. I wasn't completely helpless.

...though I might act that way, just a little.

There was a comfortable weight laid across my thighs and I knew damn well I would be stuck here for a while. There would be no moving from this spot, and even when my legs fell asleep, I would only be able to gently adjust myself bit by bit.

I didn't mind. Of course I didn't. How could I, when faced with this?

Link was napping, which was by now a near-daily occurrence, and had chosen my thighs as a pillow. He'd started on his side and with one lazy arm thrown across them, but as if knowing I was thinking about him, he rolled onto his back, adjusting to get more comfortable.

I could tell with the way he shifted his head to and fro that he was growing fitful, especially if the way his brows furrowed was any indication, and I knew right away what the problem was. His ponytail was bunched up beneath his head, digging into his head and I gently lifted his head in one hand and undid the tie from his hair with the other.

"There you are, hero," I said in a reverent and cherishing hush, because if this boy knew even half of the care I held in my heart for him, he'd never be left wanting for anything and if that was anything I would ever be able to convey, I would, again and again to him. It was what he deserved, of course.

Goodness, he deserved the world and... and I thanked Hylia for the chance to share this life with him, for the opportunity to have been presented to me. Though perhaps it was naive of me to thank Hylia, when I'd made the choice myself, and perhaps it was silly to thank her when his strength had been his own.

He had fought for this chance to live again and now, after all his hard work was over, he was able to spend his days like this, napping to his heart's content and... and so, what was a little numbness of the leg compared to that?

What was a little discomfort when I knew damn well why he did it? What could be more important than allowing him this time now to dream, something he'd been unable to do for so long?

It was strange to think that at one time, we weren't able to do this every day - napping, I mean - but now, we could. So long ago, we could only nap briefly, and it certainly wasn't every single day that we could spare the time. Most of the time, if we were traveling we could manage it.

But close to the Divine Beasts, on the eve of such incredible fights it was hard to think he could possibly make it out alive,  there was just too much work to be done. Link might be able to get a couple extra hours or so in - the boy did love to sleep, after all - but I was always a nervous wreck.

Why wouldn't I? I'd never cared for anyone like I did him, and besides all that, even if we were nothing to each other, then still, how could I not be worried about sending someone off to fight the very beings that had defeated all of his companions, his fellow Champions of Hyrule?

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