Flawless Victory!

7 3 15

Main St

Middletown, Connecticut

Paul: *walking*

Girl: Hey, dude! I challenge you to a fight!

Paul: Yeah? You think you're tougher than me?

Girl: Yeah! I may be 16 years old, but I can take on an older dude like you! Bring it on, baby!

Paul: *does some kick moves on the girl*

People: *stops walking to watch*

Girl: *getting kicked in her face*

Paul: *kicks her in her stomach*

Girl: Oof! *getting kicked in her stomach*

Paul: *gives the girl an uppercut*

Man: Finish her!

Paul: *tosses the girl into the Lencrafters building, knocking her out*

Girl: *knocked out*

Man: Paul wins! Flawless victory!

This story was written on Friday, May 12th, 2023.

A/N Paul can fight! He proved that stupid girl wrong! 😁👊 Don't be a silent reader. Please leave feedback. Thanks.

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