Chapter three

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Nico's heart nearly stopped. There was only one possibility, one person who could have done something this evil just to get revenge on Nico, Bianca, and Will.

No. I promised Bianca and Will that I wouldn't speak of him.

"No," Nico said carefully. "No, I can't think of anyone that would wish me that much harm." 

Nico wanted nothing more than to collapse onto a soft surface, close his eyes, and sleep for the next week and a half. But he couldn't. He had to keep going. For Bianca. For Hazel. For Will. Nico hadn't had a good night's sleep in ages. He looked into Annabeth's gray eyes, trying to ask silently for this conversation to be over so that he could either collapse on his bunk and pass out or search for Will, whichever came first. 

Annabeth must've understood him, for she said, "Everyone but Nico and I out. I want to speak to him alone." 

There was some grumbling, but Leo, Percy, and Piper all left the mess hall until Nico and Annabeth were left in the mess hall.

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