Chapter 17

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Nico left the cabin carrying Hazel's stuff. He returned to Piper's room and knocked on the door. Piper opened the door a few moments later looking rushed.

"Come on!" she hissed. "We only have about 6 hours until we get to San Francisco!"

"Okay, Piper," Nico replied. "Just chill. We're almost ready. The only thing we need to do after this is to make sure Argentum and Aurum are in perfect shape. We don't know if we'll need them or not."

Piper nodded and waved her hand at the door. "You do that. I'm just gonna stay here and try to relax."

Nico nodded.

He left Piper's cabin, whistling for Aurum and Argentum as he did so. The metal dogs came bounding out of nowhere and trotted alongside him as Nico walked towards Leo's cabin.

When he reached the door, Nico noticed that the door was open a bit, so he didn't bother knocking and just entered. Leo and Frank were both in their bunks, Frank reading a book, and Leo making something out of metal. Occasionally a flash of bright light came from Leo's bunk as he used his fire to melt metal together.

"Hey," Nico said.

Leo almost fell out of his bunk.

"Gods, Nico!" he exclaimed. "You need a bell around your neck."

Nico just shook his head. "Hey, I need you to look at Aurum and Argentum. I want to make sure they are in top shape before Piper, and I leave on our quest. They might be what keeps us alive in the long run."

Leo nodded. "Yeah, sure. I've been wanting to take a look at them for a while now anyway. I want to know exactly how they work."

"Alright. Aurum and Argentum," Nico began. The dogs stared at him. "Stay here and let Leo check you out. I'll be back in an hour to get you guys. Ok?"

Aurum winked an eye at him, and Argentum wagged his tail, so Nico assumed they understood.

Nico left Frank and Leo's cabin and went to his own. He figured that he would write a letter to Reyna before they left. Maybe Aurum could get it to her before they arrived in San Francisco.

Nico grabbed a sheet of lined paper and started to write.

To: Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano

San Francisco, CA

It's been so long since I've heard from you. I kind of missed talking to you every day. Thank you for Aurum and Argentum. They will be very useful on the quest Piper, and I are undertaking. We are actually heading to San Francisco right now to find you and Sol. Have you seen her? We need you two for the quest. The only people who might know where Sammy's ship may be are Sol and you. We are arriving in about five hours and will be on the docks nearest to where you guys used to live. If you can contact Sol and ask her to meet with us, we would be able to fully begin our quest. I am also inviting you to come along if you wish.

Love from your brother, Nico di Angelo

The Argo ll

Nico placed the letter in an envelope that he found in his bedside drawer. He labeled it to Reyna and waited for Aurum and Argentum to return so that he could send Aurum with the letter.

Nico lay back on his bed and tried to sleep, but he knew sleep was a long time coming.

Nico had only slept for maybe 2 hours at most when there was a knock at his door.

It was Piper.

"Nico are you ready?" she asked. "Because we're here."

Authors Note

Sorry for the delay in publishing chapters recently. I have been working hard to keep my grades up and have recently only been able to type maybe a paragraph per day. I am [sadly] in advanced classes so I actually HAVE to do work and cannot be distracted. Nevertheless, I will be trying to post more of this story as well as another one I started. Thank you all for your patience, and if you have ANY questions, please contact me either here, or on my discord server I created.

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