Chapter 12

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Nico sat around Jason's cot in the infirmary with the rest of the crew. Annabeth spoke once Frank and Leo had pulled up chairs and sat down.

"So, Nico. You said you knew who took our missing companions?" 

Nico nodded. 

"Yes, uh, his name is Sammy. He is the former enslaver of Will, Bianca, and I."

This, of course, aroused much confusion and questions from the rest of Nico's companions. 

"But-but you're white!" Frank exclaimed.

"What exactly do you mean, enslaver?" asked Percy.

Nico continued his first dream.

Piper and Jason were the only people that didn't look shocked, which made Nico curious. How did Piper know? Did Jason tell her? But wait... Bianca mentioned something about Pipe before the dream cut out...

Nico stood.

"Piper, in my dream last night, Bianca said to ask you for something. What was she talking about?" 

The rest of the crew looked confused, but Piper looked scared. 

"Look, Nico-"

"You're scared of me," he realized. "of my reaction to whatever she was talking about, why?"

Piper flinched.

"Nico, I don't think Bianca understood how you would react, but I guess I should tell you now."

She took a deep breath and then spoke.

"Bianca was always scared her good luck would end. That something would go wrong and you guys would end up back where you came from. At first, she didn't tell me. But after a few months, she gave me her notebook and told me it shouldn't be opened unless something happened." 

"Like her going missing," Annabeth murmured. 

"Yes," Piper said. "That was one situation she specified, along with one of you guys going missing, or anyone's deaths."

She let that sentence hang in the air for a few moments. 

"Wait," Percy said. "you're saying this as if she knew she was going to go missing. That's impossible, right? She would have at least tried to stop it, like tell one of us at least." 

Nico shook his head sadly. "No. No, she wouldn't. She would've hidden it until it was too late, and that's exactly what she did. This is completely typical Bianca behavior." 

"Piper," Frank said suddenly. "you said Bianca gave you her journal. Do you still have it?" 

Piper sat forward. "Yes, I still have the journal. Why?" 

Annabeth's eyes widened. "Can you get it? If we read it, we might be able to get more information on this Sammy guy." 

Piper stood. "Nico, come with me. I want you to see the journal first." 

Nico stood too. "Okay,"

The rest of the crew stood. Percy addressed them all. 

"Everyone, let's meet back here with lunch in about half an hour, alright?" 

The crew members all agreed and went to their cabins. 

Nico followed Piper back to her cabin.

It had been a while since he had entered Bianca and Piper's cabin. Almost three months, to be exact. Last he had seen, Piper's side of the room was messy and strewn with clothes and pieces of paper. Now, it was spotless, along with Bianca's side. The only thing out of place was that on top of Bianca's bed, was her favorite green journal. 

"Open it." Piper urged. "That's the journal she gave me." 

Nico nodded and picked up the journal. He had looked for this journal after Bianca had gone missing. He had never been able to find it, and now he understood why. 

He flipped open the cover and started to read the first entry.

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