Chapter 13 [Bianca's Journal]

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[Entry no.1]

Dear Piper,

Nothing lasts forever. Not love. Not hate. Not happiness nor sadness. And especially not luck. 

I fear that Nico, Will, and I's luck is coming to an end. Why? Let me explain.

When I was just 6 years old and Nico was 4, our mother, Maria di Angelo, died from an unknown sickness. That much you guys know. But you don't know that after her death, a man named Sammy took my brother and me in. For the first few hours, it was awesome. He gave us all kinds of cool toys and things to do. But that night at dinner was when we learned his true intentions. To make it easier, I will write it out as a play.

[Scene fades in. Four people are sitting at a table piled high with rich and delicious food.]

Bianca: Thank you again for taking me and my brother away from that orphanage. He would have been terrified. 

Sammy: Don't thank me, I try to make it a habit to help young kids when they need it the most. I have kind of made it a hobby, like your brother with his trading cards. Mythomagic, right?

Bianca: He doesn't quite know how to play yet. He just thinks they look cool. 

[Nico snaps to attention. He had been staring out the window with a face full of sadness, probably thinking about their mother.]

Nico: What? Oh, yeah. Mythomagic.

[Bianca shakes her head softly. Nico needs to stay strong. For her, and himself.]

Bianca: Nico, eat your food. You need to eat, or you'll be extra hungry tomorrow.

Sammy: Your sister is right, Nico. You'll need your strength in the future.

[Nico rolls his eyes and groans, but he takes a bite. There's a clatter to Bianca's left. She turns to see that the house's nurse, Ms. Cleary's glass of some red mystery liquid had tipped over and was dripping onto the white floor. Sammy turns to Bianca.]

Sammy: Clean that up. 

Bianca, confused: Uh, wh-what?

Sammy: You heard me. You are now living under my roof. You have to follow my rule, and my rule is that no one lives here without a price. Clean. It. Up. Now.  

That was when I realized that Sammy wasn't a kind man bent on helping young children. No, he was the person that still thought some people still needed to be enslaved. 

Now I wish I had left with Nico that night and gone to the orphanage. It would have been a kinder fate than Sammy's mansion. And this is only the beginning of my story of mistreatment, abuse, and pain. It only got worse after that. 

[End of entry no. 1]

[Entry no. 2] 

The next few years passed with a lot of pain. Nico was excused from "helping" until he was 6, so he didn't quite understand why I was always tired. I took his punishment when he made a mistake. I swore not to let him experience the harshness of the world until he was older. Sometimes I wish I hadn't protected him so fiercely, for it left me with severe trust issues and a dislike of men, but I also know that deep down, I don't regret a thing. Me doing what I did allowed him to have a semi-normal childhood.  

The next significant event in our lives happened when I was 10 years old and Nico was 8. I had been scrubbing the floor when one of Sammy's buddies had entered, dragging a kicking and punching boy about Nico's age.

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