Chapter 14

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Author's note: I am thinking of discontinuing this story soon. Not many people seem to like it, and I don't want to be wasting my energy on fan fiction people won't read. However, I will be adding at least a couple more chapters before I give up. If you want this story to continue, please vote/comment on it. Thank you.

Nico closed the notebook with a sigh and sat on Bianca's bed. Now Nico understood why Bianca had been so adamant about leaving Sammy's mansion. When Bianca first expressed her ideas to escape, Nico had been extremely confused. It had taken until they had successfully escaped Sammy's clutches that Bianca had sat down and explained to Nico what had been happening to Bianca and Will. He remembered being shocked. He had been so blind! Now, it was obvious that Bianca and Will had been protecting him. His sister had always placed the blame on herself and never let him take any responsibility for his mistakes. Will had always been underweight, for he would give Nico extra food. Nico felt bad. He had caused a lot of unnecessary suffering from his 2 favorite people, and there was nothing he could do now to help them as they struggled with the aftereffects of their choices. 

Piper, who he had forgotten was in the room, walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. 

"Hey, Nico," she said. "I'm sorry you three had to go through what you did. I wasn't there, so I can't exactly have an opinion on your lives in Sammy's mansion, but Bianca and Will sacrificed a lot for you. I know it sounds like I am mad, but I'm just impressed. They went through so much to protect you, and they were prepared to make that sacrifice. I only want to ask one question though: May I accompany you in your search for them? Bianca meant a lot to me as well, and I would risk everything to help find them."

Nico thought about it for a moment. "Wait. The way you worded that made it seem like you and my sister were in a relationship."

Piper bowed her head. "That was intentional. Bianca and I are in a relationship."

Nico's head spun. So many secrets are being brought up to the surface. 

"Alright," he finally said. "You can come with me to find Will, Hazel, and Bianca. But don't keep any more secrets from me please."

"Okay," Piper said. She got up and offered him her hand. "come on. The rest of the crew is probably waiting.


Piper was right. When they walked into the infirmary, the rest of the crew members were already there. Annabeth was holding Daedalus's laptop and was typing furiously. Leo was making something out of stuff he pulled from his toolbelt. Everyone else was kind of just... waiting. Waiting for Nico and Piper to return. Piper sat next to Percy and Nico sat next to Annabeth. 

"Well?" Leo asked impatiently. "Did you read the journal?"

Everyone stared at Nico with curiosity. He cleared his throat.

"Uh, yes Leo. I did. Annabeth, do you have your projector thingy?"

Annabeth reached for a small bag next to her chair. "I figured you would want it."

She tossed it to him. He connected it to the wall plug and placed the journal under it. The first page was projected onto the closest wall. He waited for everyone to finish reading page one before moving on. After about 15 minutes, everyone had read the journal entries. Nico braced himself for a wave of questions, but to his relief, there were only a few.

"So, this Sammy guy hated you guys, huh?" Leo asked.

"Yeah, I don't think he likes children at all."

"Why didn't Bianca take you two to the orphanage after that night?" Frank asked.

"Well, I think it was because she knew it would break me. I never was good around large groups of people. And also, because there was a high chance of them splitting us up." Nico replied.

"Did you like Will from the very beginning? I mean, you were sharing a blanket with him, right?" Percy asked.

Nico felt his face go hot. 

"Well, uh, yeah I guess I did." 

"Okay," Annabeth interrupted. "I think I managed to find this Sammy guy. You said you lived in California when you were under his roof, right?"

"Yeah," he replied. "San Fransisco to be exact."

"Well, I found some records of his. It seems he went to jail two years ago for abuse to children but got bailed out 8 months later. He vanished into the ocean a week later."

"Is there an image?" Jason asked quietly. 

Annabeth turned her laptop to show them the photo of the man that had kidnapped three of their friends. 

Nico's fists curled. He hated Sammy. Even more so now that he knew Sammy had taken his friends.

Piper spoke up. 

"I've already volunteered to go with Nico to save Hazel, Bianca, and Will. If he wants to, one more person should come."

"No," Nico said. "You may come, but I already have someone to help me. We just need to stop by California. I have just the demigods to help."

Okay, another note. I am thinking of putting a custom Oc of mine in here. Her name is Sol/Solar, and she is a child of Apollo. If you guys think I should add Sol, along with (possibly) Reyna, then comment your opinions. (Thalia will also make a small appearance if I decide to continue this story) Thank you to the few that read my story. 

Solangelo: LOSTDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora