Chapter 10

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Nico quickly fell asleep, where dreams awaited him.

Nico was back in the cell with Bianca, Hazel, and Will, but it was different this time. They all seemed to be staring straight at Nico.

"Nico!" Hazel hissed urgently. "Nico, can you hear us?" 

Nico was shocked. How were they doing this?

"Uh," he said. "uh, yeah I can hear you. How can you see me? I am dreaming, right?"

"Yes, Nico. This is a dream." Bianca confirmed. "But we discovered that Hazel can control dreams to some extent, just like she can manipulate the Mist."

Nico nodded. Hazel's face looked slightly strained as if she was struggling to maintain the dream. 

"We don't have long," she warned quietly.

"Right," Will said.

Will! Nico wanted to wrap his arms around his boyfriend and never let go.

"Well, Nico, you see-" Bianca started.

"-Sammy is after you," Will interjected in a rush.

"Will!" Bianca snapped.

"What?" he replied. "Hazel just said we don't have long, so I wanted to get the most important point across." 

"Anyway," Bianca continued. "yes, Will is correct. Sammy is after you. We don't know how he found the Argo II, but he somehow did, and we don't know when he is going to try to kidnap you but stay hidden. We don't want you to be caught, for that will be death for all of us. Ask Piper for-" 

The dream cut off suddenly, as Hazel had passed out.

Nico woke up alone. Judging from the light in the porthole, almost a full day had passed. He sat up and got dressed. Nico opened the cabin door and headed abovedeck. 

Leo and Frank were there, talking quietly.

"Frank," Leo was saying. "since I can't fly, and Jason can't fly me down there, I need you to help me. You're the only one that can help me get down to the bottom of the ship so that I can check the hull for damage. Those griffins probably tried to steal the celestial bronze."

Frank hesitated, looking uncomfortable, but then he nodded, now looking mildly annoyed.

"Alright," he said. "just don't expect me to do this every time." 

Leo nodded. "Wouldn't dream of it!" 

Frank shapeshifted into a giant eagle. Leo turned and spotted Nico in the shadows.

"Nico! You're awake! The rest of the crew is below deck, having breakfast. Frank here is helping me check the hull for any damage from yesterday's griffin attack."

Frank the eagle squawked indignantly, and Leo climbed onto his back. Frank the eagle launched into the air, nearly throwing Leo off. They flew down the side of the ship and vanished. 

Nico watched for a few more moments before turning and heading toward the mess hall.  

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