Chapter 7

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*I hope you guys liked the vid LMAO*

Nico sat bolt upright, shaking like a leaf. A voice cut through the eerie silence that followed his scream.

"Nico! Are you okay?"

For a painful moment, Nico thought it was Bianca, and the last six months had been a dream.

"Nico!" the voice said again. "Nico, wake up! Please!"

Nico suddenly felt wide awake. It dawned on him that he had been charmspoken. And there was only one person aboard the Argo II that could use charmspeak.

"P-piper?' he groaned weakly, his heart still pounding with fear from the dream he had just had. That couldn't have been real, right?

"Yes, Nico. It's me." Piper replied, placing her hand on Nico's shoulder comfortingly.

"How long was I out?" Nico asked her shakily.

"About two days," Piper replied. "but you started shaking about nine hours ago."

Nico felt bad. He got the impression that she had been in here the whole time.

Before Nico could respond, Piper rose and made her way over to the kitchen. She returned a moment later, Percy hard on her heels. Piper held a plate of food, while Percy held nothing but a glass of what looked like nectar, but given the fact that the last drink Nico had been given had been drugged, Nico was more than a bit hesitant to try a drink that he didn't completely trust.

"It's okay, Nico," Percy reassured him. "I'm not a monster, you know."

Nico realized that Percy had taken his distrustful glance as Nico not trusting Percy anymore instead of him not trusting the drink.

"What's in the drink?" Nico asked suspiciously.

"It's nectar, don't worry," Percy said as he handed the drink to Nico, a look of relief coming into Percy's sea-green eyes.

Nico relaxed. "Okay," he said, taking a tentative sip, Percy pulling up a chair next to Nico's cot. Percy hadn't been lying. It was nectar. Nico finished the glass in a matter of seconds. Nico grabbed the fork sitting next to the plate of food and dug in. It was delicious. The plate consisted of a tofu burger (a specialty of Leo's), peas, and the familiar brown mush that Nico knew was rice. He demolished the plate in a matter of minutes. Nico had completely forgotten that Percy was there until he chuckled softly.

"Gods of Olympus, Nico. I don't think I have seen you eat that much in ages. Are you still hungry?" Percy asked good-naturedly, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

Nico shook his head. "After all that? Nah, I'm stuffed."

Percy nodded. A sheepish, almost guilty look came into his sea-green eyes.

"Can I..." he trailed off, looking unsure of where to start. "Can I see the photo album? You have it, right? I checked where Will kept it, and I couldn't find it." his words were rushing out at a pace much faster than what was normal for Percy. It was obvious to Nico that Percy was nervous that Nico would refuse.

"Uh-" Nico started before Percy cut him off.

"I understand if you don't want me to have it. I was rude to you the last time you saw me. I just hoped-"

"Percy!" Nico interrupted.

"Y-yes?" Percy stammered.

Nico reached inside his pillowcase and pulled out the album. He handed it to Percy.

"Thanks," Percy said softly, his eyes filled with gratitude.

"Don't mention it," Nico replied. "Just, you know, bring it back when you're done. It has some irreplaceable photos of me and Will in there, okay?"

"Of course!" Percy said enthusiastically, standing up and walking towards the main door of the infirmary.

Solangelo: LOSTNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ