Chapter 9

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Annabeth sent Percy to grab everyone else on the ship; Frank, Piper, and Leo, and bring them to the infirmary while she followed Nico to Jason's cot in the infirmary, whose pale complexion made Nico look almost tan. 

She checked Jason's temperature, which was extremely high, so Annabeth gave Jason some anti-fever pills. The rest of the crew entered (minus Leo for some reason), and crowded around Jason's cot. Piper's face was tear streaked. Frank helped Jason change out of his puke-stained shirt, Piper went to the kitchens to grab some food for Jason, and Percy grabbed Nico by the arm and pulled him over to Nico's cot.

"Hey!" Nico protested.

Percy pulled the son of Hades onto the cot and sat down beside him.

"Look, Nico," Percy said quietly. "you need more sleep, and so do I." For the first time, Nico could see the exhaustion in Percy's eyes. 

"So, Annabeth and I came up with a solution," Percy continued. "since both of our cabinmates aren't able to sleep in their cabins with us, Annabeth thought it would be best if you and I share cabins. For a few days, I mean," he added quickly. "not for long." 

Nico just sat there in shock and confusion for a few moments. Percy and him... share cabins?

"It's up to you, Nico." Annabeth broke in, walking over to them. "No one is going to make you choose. If you don't want to, you can stay here or go back to your own cabin."

Nico hesitated. Should he? Was this just a plan by Percy and Annabeth to try to get Nico to come out of his shell now that Will was gone? If that was the case...

"Sure,"  Nico said after a moment, a soft smile playing on his face. "just be warned, I like to talk in my sleep." 

Percy nodded. "Noted," he said. "Do you want any help carrying your stuff?"  he nodded at the drawer that contained Nico's clothes and Mythomagic cards.

"Nah," Nico replied. "Annabeth? Where's that backpack?"

Time skip: 45 minutes later

It didn't take long for Nico to collect all his things and settle into Jason's side of Percy and Jason's cabin. Most of Jason's personal items were in the infirmary, so Nico didn't have to worry about disrupting his friend's stuff. Nico quickly unpacked his clothes and made for the door, but Percy grabbed his arm.

"No, Nico," Percy said. "You need sleep. You might not be confined to the infirmary anymore, but you still shouldn't be up walking around without more sleep. Go back to bed." 

Nico was surprised by Percy's tone of voice. He hadn't expected Percy to care so much about Nico's health. Nico just nodded and backed toward Jason's- no, Nico's bed and sat down, eyes wide. 

Percy must've seen Nico's expression, for he sighed and smacked himself on the head. 

"Gods, Nico," he said. "I wasn't trying to be rude. I was just trying to make it sound final, you know? Leave no room for arguments."

Nico nodded.

"I'd better sleep then," Nico said. "If I want to be able to leave."

Percy flashed him a little smile, similar to, Thank you for not trying to negotiate, and walked out of the cabin, the door closing behind him.

Okay. This is a longer chapter, but before I go on to the next chapter, I want to clear up a few things.

1) Jason is sick with an unknown disease (I couldn't find many non-contagious, deadly, curable sicknesses that would make sense) 

2) I switch houses a lot and cannot bring my computer with me, so you may find that I might not update for a few weeks. 

And that's it! Let me know if you have any questions! 

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