Chapter 5

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By the time Nico and Annabeth reached the infirmary, Annabeth was practically having to hold Nico upright. She led him through the door and over to an already prepared cot in the very back of the infirmary, out of earshot of Jason. Nico nearly collapsed onto the cot, but Annabeth steadied him and maneuvered Nico onto the cot in a somewhat comfortable position. She then unpacked the backpack full of Nico's items, placing the clothes in a drawer under the cot and placing his Mythomagic cards on the nightstand. Annabeth then turns and starts walking toward a door on the far side of the infirmary, a door that Nico knew led into the kitchen. She returns a moment later holding a glass of what appeared to be chocolate milk. Nico's favorite drink. Annabeth must have bought some of the chocolate powder the last time the Argo II docked at a city. Nico nearly inhaled that chocolate milk, he was that thirsty. Only once he had downed the entire glass did Nico notice that it tasted slightly like Benadryl. He looked up at Annabeth in alarm. 

"Why-" Nico started.

"-Did I put Benadryl in your chocolate milk?" she finished. "Because I knew that, despite your exhaustion, that you would refuse to sleep until you found Will."

Nico began to feel drowsy. His eyelids began to droop despite everything he tried to keep them open. As unconsciousness began to overtake Nico, he heard one last thing.

"You know," Annabeth murmured to him softly. "You can be kind of sweet when you worry about someone you love." 

Nico didn't hear another word, for he was asleep.


So, I know, a short chapter. I bet you guys are tired of that by now, but the next chapter will be exciting. I mean, it was SUPER fun to write originally, so I hope you guys enjoy it!

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