Chapter 8

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Nico watched Percy leave and then he lied back down on his cot and took a few long, deep breaths. When he finished he sat back up reached into his pillowcase, pulled a few photos separate from the album, and studied them. They were Nico's copies of some of the most precious images. A photo was dedicated to each of them; Hazel, Bianca, Will, and Nico. And there was also one with all four of them. Nico flipped through them repeatedly, each making Nico more and more desperate to see his family again. Tears were falling freely down Nico's face. A familiar voice startled Nico out of his trance-like state.

"Nico? Is-is that you?" Jason called across the room.

Nico slowly got up and managed to walk over to Jason's cot without tripping over anything.

"Yeah, man, it's me. What's up?"

"I woke up hearing screaming earlier. Was that you?" Jason asked.

Nico wanted to kick himself. How couldn't Jason have woken up to his screams?

"Yeah," Nico admitted. "I had a...strange dream to say the least."

"Tell me." Jason croaked.

Nico noticed a very strong aura of death around Jason. Nevertheless, the son of Hades recounted his dream, leaving a few parts out, like the fact that Sammy was planning to kill the four of them once he got ahold of Nico. Jason's eyes widened when Nico gave him a quick summary of his life with Sammy, for they had never mentioned Sammy or their past before the Argo II. In the end, Jason let out a slow, shaky breath.

"Man," he said. "you've been hiding the fact that you three were slaves for 5 whole years?" 

Nico nodded. "Yeah, I-"

Jason cut Nico off. 

"And you didn't tell me, your best friend, for what reason?' Jason demanded angrily.

"Look, Jason, I-" Nico tried to respond, his voice cracking. He cleared his throat and continued. "I didn't-we didn't want to be treated differently based on our past. And I didn't tell you because Bianca made Hazel, Will, and I swear not to tell anyone. I'm sorry, Jason. I wanted to tell you. Multiple times. But Bianca and Hazel thought it was best to stay quiet. I'm sorry." Nico repeated tears had begun to form in his eyes again. He blinked furiously in an attempt to hide them. 

Instead of answering, Jason sat up and wrapped his arms around the younger teen. Nico leaned into Jason's warm embrace, despite the strong aura of death that surrounded his friend. Jason suddenly broke away and doubled over, coughing and retching. Nico panicked. Was it just his imagination, or did the aura of death around Jason become thicker? 

After Jason finished retching in a bucket next to his cot, Nico helped him lay back in his cot. He then made his way above deck, looking for anyone who could help Jason. The only people above deck were Percy and Annabeth, both huddled together, looking through the photo album that Nico had lent Percy less than half an hour ago. Annabeth's head rose and spotted Nico. She quickly rose and made her way over to him.

"Nico! Why are you out of the infirmary? Is everything okay?"

Nico shook his head. "It's Jason," he replied grimly. "he's gotten worse."  

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