Chapter 21

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Piper and Nico sat in silence for a few moments.

"So, Nico, I wanted to ask something."

Nico was surprised. What could she be asking?

"Uh, ok,"

"I never had the time to ask you how you felt about Bianca and I dating."

Nico needed clarification. How did he feel? He felt completely normal about it. It was just a part of life, and he was glad his sister had found someone to love who wouldn't leave her. At least, Piper knew if she did, she wouldn't be found again."It doesn't bother me as much as you might think," he said finally, shrugging. "I mean, why shouldn't my sister date a woman? I'm dating a man after all."

"True," Piper agreed. "I didn't consider that."

Nico stood up. "I'm going to check in with Reyna and see if I can talk to Praetor Lavinia. Maybe you could see if you could talk to Chiron."

"Sure," Piper stands and walks out of the room behind Nico.

Nico walks to Reyna's room and knocks quietly, hearing Reyna speaking. There was silence, then the door opened.

"Nico! What's up? Did you want to talk to Lavinia?" Reyna asked him.

"As a matter of fact, yes," he replied. "If you too aren't discussing secrets or something."

"No, you're fine," Lavinia said from the misty cloud that was the Iris Message. "Tell me what's up. Reyna's already given me the basics, but I was hoping to speak to you."

Nico took a deep breath and began to explain his dreams for the 3rd time that day.

Lavinia was a good listener, which caught Nico off guard. With her attitude and general attention span, Nico had expected her to get distracted easily.

Once Nico was done telling Lavinia about his visions, she was silent before speaking.

"It seems like what you tell me coincides with reports I have received recently. We have kept tabs on Sammy due to his relationship with you, and recently there were unconfirmed rumors of his release from jail. Then we received word from Annabeth and Percy that everyone with a relationship with Sammy had started disappearing, and we knew we were right. And now you have his location. We will send a group of well-trained demigods your way."

"Thank you, Praetor Lavinia," Nico said. "I will leave you and Reyna to discuss things."

Nico left the room and shut the door.

Piper's P.O.V.

I walked to Sol's room and knocked on the door.

"come in," I heard Sol say.

I entered. I could see Chiron in the misty rainbow Iris Message.

"I figured you would want to talk to Chiron," Sol said.

Chiron looked unsurprised.

"Well, Child," he said. "Tell me what's wrong. I am aware of your dilemma. You love Bianca very much, don't you? The way Nico loves Will?"

Piper was taken aback by his bluntness. Usually, Chiron was a little less blunt and more hinting. But he was right, as always.

"Yes, Chiron, I do love Bianca the same way Nico loves Will. I would go to the ends of the earth for her. But I don't see what my feelings have to do with this quest. This is a quest to retrieve them, with no feelings involved." I said, confused.

"Oh, dear Child, that's where you're wrong. Feelings play a huge factor in this quest. Think about it. Who is going on this quest?" Chiron replied calmly.

I thought for a moment. "Nico, Sol, and I,"

"And what do all three of you have in common?"

I thought hard. I knew that Nico was going because it was his family. I was going because I loved Bianca, and Sol was coming along because of her almost sibling-like relationship with Hazel.

"Well," I said uncertainly. "All of us are going because we have a relationship with Will, Bianca, and Hazel. We all care very much about one of the members. Nico loves Will, I love Bianca, and Sol sees Hazel as her sister."

Chiron appeared impressed.

"You are quite right, Child," he said. "All three of you are on this quest because you three would sacrifice everything to get them back safely. That is why it is so important to remember that so that you will make the correct choices on your quest. I will send three demigods from the seven largest cabins to aid you."

"Thank you, Chiron," Piper said. "We will appreciate all the help we can get. I will go get Sol so you two may finish your conversation."

Chiron nodded. "Off you go, Child."

And Piper left the room.

Nico's P.O.V.

I felt a hand on my shoulder when I walked to my room. I turned, and it was Piper. She appeared to have just exited Sol's room.

"I assume you were talking with Lavinia in Camp Jupiter?" Piper asked Nico.

Nico nodded.

"And you were talking to Chiron. What did he say?"

Piper looked slightly uncomfortable.

"He wanted to talk to me about Bianca. It's almost like he wanted to make sure I loved her. When I confirmed that I loved her, he assured me that he would supply us with 21 demigods."

"Piper, that's great! Praetor Laviana said she would send a group of the strongest demigods that are in Camp Jupiter to aid us! We might stand a chance now!" Nico exclaimed happily.

Finally! He thought. A chance, however small, that we stand a chance in this upcoming fight!

Piper smiled.

"Yeah. I just hope it's enough. I mean, we don't even know for sure how many men Sammy has. We only have estimates. For all we know, Sammy has 200 men or more! What if-"

"Piper, stop." Nico grabbed her arm. "I get that you are concerned, but even if Sammy has more men, we will stand a chance. We don't have a choice. We have to go ahead with what we have and hope for the best. Understand?"

Piper nodded.

"Alright then. Let's go relax until Reyna and Sol come out."

Omg guys I am so sorry for not updating! My mom moved states and there's court coming up on who gets me, and I've just been stressed. I hope you forgive me!

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08 ⏰

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