Chapter 19

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Back downstairs, Reyna and Piper were talking quietly about the quest. Piper was asking questions about how Reyna and Sol's life had been, and Reyna was doing her best to answer.

"How many demigods have you and Sol found these last few years?" Piper asked.

"Oh, I don't know. 10? 20??"

"28," confirmed Sol. "We have found a total of 28 demigods. Greek and Roman." 

"Dam," Piper remarked. "That's a lot of demigods."

"Any children of the Big Three?" Nico inquired.

Sol and Reyna shook their heads simultaneously.

"Not so far," Sol responded. "But I don't think anyone wants one. Since that might mean another war."

Nico nodded. That was true.

"It's getting late," Reyna said, glancing at the clock on the wall. "You guys should get some rest before your journey starts fully. Here, I will show you two to your rooms."

Nico was shown into a light gray room with stars on the ceiling and painting supplies in the corner. There were two beds in the room. One was a pale yellow with light gray accents, and the other was a dark gray with white accents. The beds were perfect for Nico and Will. Nico looked questioningly at Reyna, who confirmed this.

"We decorated some of the rooms specifically for certain people. Piper, you will be using the room designed for Bianca and Hazel. It's right over here."

Reyna showed Piper a room with the same gray walls but the similarities ended there. One bed was silver and lavender, obviously Bianca's bed, while the other was gold and silver. The ceiling was covered in fake gemstones and images of the moon, which was Bianca's favorite. Instead of painting supplies in the corner, there were books. Piper immediately made her way over to Bianca's bed and set her stuff down.

"What kind of decorations are in you and Sol's room, Reyna?" Piper inquired.

"I will show you in the morning if you wish," replied Reyna. "But right now you both need sleep. You have a long few days in front of you."

Nico went back to his room and set his bag down. He then made his way over to the canvases and paint. There was every brush imaginable, and Nico was itching to try them. But he knew rest was more important. Maybe after the quest Nico could come back and use them. He sighed and crawled into the bed, not even caring to change into more comfortable clothes.

[The bold like this is gonna be Dreams just FYI]

Nico was back in the room where Hazel, Bianca, and WIll were being held prisoner. But this time Nico knew they couldn't see him. He watched helplessly as Sammy entered the room. But this time Sammy wasn't here to gloat.

"Unchain them. One at a time."

Nico watched as each of his friends was carried out of the cell and up onto the top deck. He followed. 

Nico realized that the ship was docked. And that it was near where he was in real life. All he needed to do now was make sure he knew where Sammy was taking them.

He followed Sammy as the guards followed Sammy with his friends off the ship and onto solid land.

He followed Sammy through winding streets and eventually into a warehouse.

"Tie them up and leave them here. That Nico brat is sure to find them here." sneered Sammy.

The guards obliged.

Sammy motioned for the guards to leave first.

"You may think I'm stupid," he told Nico's friends. "But I don't think you get the full picture Hazel: Nico, Bianca, and Will betrayed me. They swore allegiance to me, and then they ditched me. They promised to serve me, but they left!"

With that, Sammy stomped out of the warehouse.

Nico woke up with a start, his heart pounding in his chest as it took a moment to register where he was. He was back in his bed at Reyna's house. He got up and checked the time. 3:24 a.m.

Well, he thought. I know I'm not getting any more sleep tonight.

Nico walked over to where the painting supplies stood and pulled them out. There was probably every color imaginable. Nico was breathless as he stared at the seemingly endless amounts of paints and brushes. He spent at least ten minutes selecting the supplies he wanted and sitting down in front of the easel. Then came the artist's block. He didn't know what to paint! It took him another 5 minutes to settle on a design.

He started with the background and then went on to the main section. He loved watching the colors swirl together in the water glass. He loved the way the colors blended on the canvas. He loved everything about painting, big or small. Now and then, he'd glance at the clock.




After over 2 hours of painting, Nico was finished. Sitting before him was a detailed painting of the people he cared most about: Percy, Annabeth, Leo, Piper, Frank, Reyna, Sol, Will, Bianca, and Hazel. They were in a sun-filled forest with a river behind them. Nico glanced at himself. He was covered in splatters of paint and he looked like he hadn't slept in a week. But Nico had never felt so rested. It was almost as if the painting had given him energy.

Nico was thinking fast now, his overthinking grabbing hold of him faster than lightning.

What if I was wrong? What if these paints weren't for me? What if they don't like it? What if-

Nico's thoughts cut off abruptly when his door opened. It was Piper.

"What in the name of Hades are you doing Nico? You look like you've been dipped in paint!" she exclaimed.

"Uh, I was just painting, you know? I couldn't sleep and I just thought I'd paint." Nico shuffled uneasily.

"Nico, it's fine. I'm not mad. I was just wondering what you were doing. I couldn't sleep either. That's why I came in here."

Nico felt relief wash over him. He turned back to his painting and gestured to it proudly.

"So, this is what I've been working on for the last-" Nico glanced at the clock. 6:37 a.m. "-three hours."

Piper looked impressed.

"Geez, Nico, you're good at painting. I wish I could paint like that. And you made that from memory?"

He shrugged. "Yeah. I have a good memory."

Piper nodded. She moved over to Will's bed and sat down. "Nico, I may not know you as well as Bianca or Will, but I know you well enough to know when something's bothering you. Why don't you sit down and tell me what's bothering you."

So Nico sat on his bed and told Piper about his dreams.

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