Chapter 18

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Author's note: Any addresses appearing are purely me picking randomly. I apologize if the address is yours, it's purely a coincidence. 

Nico was thankful for the Mist that obscured the mortal's sight of the Argo lI. If it hadn't been there, Nico was sure that the mortals would have started freaking out. The remainder of the crew gathered on deck to bid the questers farewell. Annabeth made sure they had enough nectar and ambrosia. (Which they did) Percy made sure the group had enough Drachmas to contact them if needed. Leo had deemed Argentum and Aurum fit for the quest, and Nico had given Aurum the letter to Reyna and he had vanished and hadn't returned yet. Despite missing a dog, Nico and Piper were determined to start the quest.

Nico, Piper, and Argentum watched as the Argo ll sailed out of sight. That had been Annabeth's idea: To lead Sammy away from the questers potentially.

Nico and Piper had agreed to wait a max of 2 hours for Sol and Reyna before asking Argentum to lead them to Reyna. Piper and Nico sat down on the beach, Argentum dashed off and rolled in the sand, coating his silver body in yellow sand. Piper laughed.

Nico thought about the first time he met Reyna and Sol. Nico had been in the market, shopping for cleaning supplies for Sammy's mansion. Two of Sammy's friends had gone with Nico and Will to ensure that they didn't try to escape. Nico had spotted two girls who looked his age and had foolishly pointed them out to Sammy's friends. Back then he hadn't fully known why Sammy was so mean and strict and had thought his abusive behavior was normal. Will's eyes widened, and he tried to warn the girls to run. The girls just barely managed to escape and thanked Will for keeping the girls safe. They had exchanged addresses so that they could write to each other. That had been back when Nico was 9. It had been years since they last wrote to each other, and Nico missed it greatly. He felt like he was missing something in his life. But now he would (hopefully) see them soon.

[Time skip brought to you by Hazel's magic 😀 🤩] 

The two hours went by agonizingly slowly for Nico. Every minute was an hour for him.

He was beginning to lose hope that Reyna and Sol would come when a flash of gold caught his eye.

It was Aurum, and following closely behind were Reyna and Sol.

"Reyna! Sol! You came!" Nico shouted excitedly. Both of them looked different than he remembered though. 

Reyna had been Nico's height, and her hair had been cut short. Now, she was a few inches taller than him, and her hair had grown long and put in a braid. However, it was Sol who had changed the most. Last he saw her, she had been a few inches shorter than him and had naturally brown hair. Now, she was Nico's height and had purple, blue, and silver streaks in her hair. Her multicolored eyes had changed, too. They used to be full of kindness, but now they are hard and cold. A clear sign that Reyna and Sol had been through a lot.

"Of course we came, you silly goose!" Sol replied with a grin. "Did you think that we would let you start your quest without us talking to you?"

"Kinda. We had almost lost hope that you would come. You sure took your time getting here."

"There's this thing called traffic," Reyna retorted. "Maybe you've heard of it?"

"Alright guys," Piper interrupted. "Great conversation, but we don't have the time. We need to focus."

"Piper's right," Sol agreed. We have a quest to focus on. Nico, we got your letter, but can you give us a better explanation? I didn't quite understand it fully."

"Okay," agreed Nico. "I should probably explain it better to everyone here anyway. Reyna, Sol, do you guys have somewhere we can chill and talk for a little bit?"

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