Chapter 15: Behind the Scenes

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"Yakko! Look!"

Issac waited for the eldest of his cousins to turn and the second he had, Issac continued jumping up and down from the diving board he stood upon. He grinned down at Yakko.

"WHOO-HOO!" Issac cried as he jumped off, flinging himself towards a piece of rope that hung from the ceiling. He grasped it and swung across the room. At the last moment he let go and twirls into the air and into an open ball pit. With a crash he sends balls everywhere with a dive. He becomes blinded by a sea of colors. Issac crawls his way back up and breaks through the surface.

Issac hollers out, throwing a fist into the air. He laughs, and looks around for Yakko who was walking over.

"Mitt me kid, you don't see a stunt like that play everyday!" Issac cheers. He smiles when Yakko claps.

"Indeed." Yakko says, lending out a hand which Issac grabs. Yakko pulls him out of the ball pit and onto solid ground.

Issac smiles before making a face as he feels something run down his jacket. He reaches inside and pulls out one of those plastic balls from the pit. Shrugging, he tosses it behind him. He grins real wide at Yakko.

"I haven't pulled a stunt like that since the year of 1930." Issac giggles. "Aces, what a keen day it's been."

"It's nice being off that page, huh?" Yakko asks.

"Oh most definitely!" Issac says, putting his hands on his hips. "It ain't no rag when you got only yourself to entertain. A man can only play so much solitaire too."

Yakko chuckles, which brings another big smile out of Issac. Issac eyes past Yakko and notices Wakko and Dot over by a patio table with a tea set out. Wakko somehow managed to get himself stuck in a ball gown while Dot was happily pouring him a pot of air.

"Say," Issac perks. "What do you folks do when you're not on the run?"

"Cause chaos." Yakko quirks. "It's something to do while me and the sibs are waiting for the approval of the next season for our show."

"Well that sounds-" Issac stopped short and gave his cousin an odd look. Did he just hear him right? "Show? What show?"

"Animaniacs." Yakko said simply.

Issac opened his mouth to speak, and then just as quickly his jaw slacked. "Say what now?"

"Well, yeah-Ah, right, you don't know." Yakko shook his head. "Animaniacs. That's our show. We recently just rebooted it."

"Re-booted?" Issac said slowly. He gave his head a quick hit and he could feel the gears moving once again, but the little monkey in his brain definitely wasn't running on its hamster wheel.

"You know, we made a comeback." Yakko continued. "The original show played back in the 90's, but today we have a remade version of the show."

"Wait-hold on, remade?" Issac shrieks, the reality of the situation dawning on him. He backs away before pointing at himself. "You folks made the show without me? Without cousin Issac?"

"Well to be fair." Issac hears Dot perk up. "We never knew we had a cousin Issac."

"But I was your co-star!" Issac argues, slamming a fist into his hand. "How could they continue the show without the co-star?"

The Warners looked at each other and Issac ignored this. He couldn't wrap his head around the fact they had continued Animaniacs without him. He had been told he was a prime member of the show. How could they have made it without him? He deflates on the spot, falling to his knees.

Had they simply thrown his character out the door?

"Easy there, Issac."

Issac looks up and sees Yakko trying to pull him up to his feet, but Issac drops like a dead weight in his arms. He could feel heavy tears filling up his eyes.

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