Chapter 20: Into The Night

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Yakko eased the door open, peeking outside. As far as he could see, the alleyway was clear of people. Staying at the soundstage had worked in their favor. Security was likely searching the other parts of the studio. He closes the door and peers behind him where everyone was waiting. He spies Wakko and Dot sitting on a crate, making shadow puppets with the flashlights, and the new kid was consulting Issac with a handkerchief.

AG. That was his name. AG was talking in hushed tones with Issac, who would just nod every once in a while and dab at his teary eyes.

Issac had not stopped crying since he revealed the reason why he took the file. They had all done their best to comfort the poor guy until AG took over. Issac now was a lot calmer than before. Yakko was grateful for that.

His mind was still reeling from Issac's confession. He couldn't get it out of his head.

"My cousins all died in a fire...the original Yakko, Wakko, and Dot."

Yakko didn't understand it, but Issac didn't explain more than that. He just broke down. Crying hysterics. Yakko didn't have the heart to pressure more answers out of him. Not for all the questions in the world would he dare try to. Although they plagued his mind like a raging hornet's nest.

Yakko shook his head. He had to focus. He had a whole group to take care of now. Yakko put on a smile and approached the group.

"Well," Yakko announced. "The coast is clear."

All heads snapped up to him. Seeing he had their attention he continued. "We can slip by the tower now. There shouldn't be anyone nearby."

"Then let's get going." Issac says, pocketing his handkerchief.


AG's hand shoots out, grabbing the toon's arm as Issac tries heading for Yakko. Issac jolts to a stop, looking back at the child. He tries to yank his arm back, but the child holds on strong. AG holds out a hand.

"The file."

Issac's brows shoot up. "What?"

"Give it to me." AG commands.

"What? Why-"

"Because I don't exactly trust you with it." AG continues. "You did intend on hiding it from everyone and I think it's best if someone else holds onto it so it doesn't go missing...again."

Issac flushes. "But-"

"I agree with that."

All heads turn to Dot. She had her arms crossed over her chest and a heavy frown on her lips. Wakko gapes at his sister.

"You agree?" Wakko shouts in shock.

Issac's ears flop to the sides of his head. "Dot, please..."

Dot shakes her head. "No. Sorry Issac, I don't trust you with the file either. I believe someone else should be in charge of it. Right, Yakko?"

All heads turn to Yakko and he swallows. Put right on the spot. Thanks, Dottie... He clears his throat and looks at Issac, who stared at him with the sorriest-looking eyes he'd ever seen. Yakko then makes eye contact with AG. The boy was hard to read. His expression was distant, but the minute he locked eyes with him, AG seemed to glare at him. Daring him to disagree with the group. Yakko had the urge to fight back a smirk. Boy had a lot of spunk.

Fortunately, he wasn't happy with Issac either.

"Issac," Yakko sighs. "As much as it pains for me to say this, you did go behind our back and stole the file from right under our noses. So I'm sorry, but the file is going to be in my hands now." Yakko cuts eyes at AG. "Sorry, kiddo, but we don't know you that well either."

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