Chapter 16: Issac's Lie

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((A/N: Hey everyone, sorry for not uploading sooner, but I've been having writer's block for all my stories. But to make up for this, today I shall be uploading two chapters! Chapter 17 will come later tonight. For now, enjoy the chapter!))

"Yakko, that's my face!"

"And that's my tail!"

"Where's the exit?"

"Definitely not here-"

"Quit touching where you shouldn't!"

"Will you both be QUIET!"

Dot sighs when she hears her brothers muttering quiet curses at each other, but they quiet down. She reaches behind her and pulls out a set of matches. Taking one out of the box, she strikes it against the matchbox and immediately the small light fills the space. Before her, Yakko and Wakko had managed to squish themselves into a corner and were tangled in each other's arms and legs. Dot groans.


"Ask him!" They both yell, growling and glaring at each other...somehow. Dot shakes her head and grabs one of the tails sprouting from the mesh of brothers and pulls. With a twirl, they both go spinning until they're both separated and on their butts, dizzy.

"Now that that's solved." Dot looks around their surroundings. "Where are we?"

She quickly realizes the walls around them were all wooden. So do her brothers.

"Did we get locked in a crate?" Wakko asks, confused.

Yakko knocks a fist against the wood. "Seems like it."

As much as the question of who locked them in the crate was unanswered, Yakko decided to get out was something better to focus on. He glances up and starts pushing on the ceiling of the crate. Brow furrowed, he grunts as he attempts to lift the crate ceiling up.

"It...won't...budge!" Yakko strains to say.

Wakko rolls his sleeves up and spits into each hand. "Let me try!"

Joining Yakko, both brothers try lifting up the crate top. It creaks and groans, but does not move an inch. After a few minutes of effort, they stop to catch their breath.

"You know." Yakko pants. "Even Ralph's crates were easier to open than that."

"Maybe it's locked," Dot suggested.

"That doesn't help us." Yakko turns to Wakko. "Any chance you have something in that bag of yours?"

Wakko nervously puts his hands behind his back. He gives his brother a big smile. "I um...didn't bring it."

Yakko deadpans. "You didn't bring it!"

Wakko starts sweating. "Well, Issac was counting down, I hadn't found a hiding spot yet and the bag was out of reach-"

"Okay, okay, I get it." Yakko sighs and starts tapping the walls. "Maybe there's something else we can do. Let's brainstorm."

Dot tapped her chin. "We can't escape through the way we came in, that's for sure."

Wakko crosses his arms. "And we don't have any tools to help us escape."

"You know," Yakko says, tapping the walls. "I think these walls are pretty thin. Maybe if we hit something, we can get it to break open."

"So what, start jumping around in hopes we hit something?" Dot asks.

"Well, it's a start," Yakko says, scooting to the middle of the box and standing up. He plants his hands on either side of the crate walls. "Alright sibs, start pushing!"

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