❤꧁ღ⊱♥ 𝐸𝓅𝒾𝓈𝑜𝒹𝑒 𝒯𝓌𝑒𝓃𝓉𝓎-𝒯𝓌𝑜 ♥⊱ღ꧂❤

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Scourge sat awake in the bed, he really couldn't get back to sleep not after that dream. He shifted his gaze over to Sonic was fast asleep. He places his hand on the hedgehog's flat stomach, he really never thought about having kids...mostly because he got jealous easily, and he only wanted Sonic to focus on him.

"Does he even get sick? Or need to go that hospital?" He thought, he never really seen Sonic struggle when walking after a hardcore session. Of course he remembered Shadow being immortal and have regenerative abilities. But Sonic still had scars all over his body, let allow that damn brand of him being property of G.U.N.

Is Sonic the same way? He knew that the hedgehog had a different form that wasn't his normal super form, let alone his pelt hadn't changed back to being it's natural blue color, not that he minded, he preferred Sonic to look this way, it just brought out more of his assents.

He just nuzzles into Sonic's abdomen, his tail started wagging at the small sweet scent that came off of the the smaller male. His only concerned about having a hoglet, is that he would constantly competing with it for Sonic's affection. He plants a kiss onto his sleeping partner's abdomen.

Sonic's eyes fluttered open, "Scourge?..." he mutters looking down at the emerald hedgehog.

"Evening Blue..." Scourge said as he pulled away from Sonic's abdomen.

Sonic only rubs his eyes as he started to sit up, "Is something wrong? Or did just want to cuddle?"

Scourge couldn't really keep his dream to himself, not when acted that way. He lets out a small sigh before explaining the strange dream he had.

Sonic only snickers, "Gee Scourge, didn't think you'd actually have a dream about that" he admits.

Scourge only rolled his eyes.

Sonic reaches over to turn on the lamp, he lets out a small sigh. "Well...I can't get sick, nor can I attract sexual transmitted diseases, like Shadow...I was genetically created, to be the counter for him, by G.U.N." He continued on how he was created, as well as the many experiments that he went through before they put him out to battles.

Scourge didn't really flinch from the explanation, since he's seen worst, the only thing that made him sick to his stomach was that fact that they kept him awake during all that pain.

Then the topic came to that wolf that he was forced to breed with, at the age of thirteen.

Of course the lost of a newborn baby let alone twins, was hard on any Mother, but fact that the Scientists refused to let him see them, even though he carried them to full term, was what really broke him, but he didn't really seem that upset now.

"So now you know...Nothing more than an experiment that was created to counter Shadow, and be loyal to G.U.N" Sonic admits.

"Well thanks for telling me I guess" Scourge said, that did kind of answer his question about Sonic having that same ability that Shadow did.

"I know I really can't replaced them...just like How I can't replace my Husband, but seeing my friends with families, and I'm been resorted to a Slut, I just gave up on having kids...he made it clear that he didn't want any, so I just always to those morning after pills" Sonic admits. Scourge can clearly see the tears in the corner of Sonic's eyes, it must be easy to notice that you were with child, when you've pregnant before.

"An now?" Scourge asked.

Sonic shook his head, to tell Scourge that he wasn't, sure he ran out of both pills, and something like this could last a solid year or even months. "Though...If I did, I'd have to go to G.U.N to give birth and check ups"


"Because I'm nothing but a damn property to them...Amy and Shadow didn't have to go through G.U.N when Maria was born, cause of Amy parents!" Sonic snapped before tears started to stream down his face. "I...I just can't...loose another...to them" he sobbed.

Scourge pulled Sonic into his chest, he kind of felt bad for explaining his dream to Sonic, but then again he didn't know the full story, though it made sense since the hospitals probably wouldn't have his medical information.

"But if the didn't know you had any?"

Sonic only glares up at Scourge.

"Right the Government...Sorry"

Sonic only lets out a small sigh as he just positions himself on top of Scourge. "I don't want to think about it..."

Scourge only wraps his arms around Sonic, after pulling the covers over them, he gives his husband a small lick on the cheek, before turning off the lamp.

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