Chapter 4 - Scared

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Mitch's POV

"Avi? No, no, no..." I mutter on the verge of tears, as Avi's body goes limp in Kirstie's arms.

"Avi! No! Please, no!" Kirstie sobs, desperately shaking his lifeless form.

I look up to see paramedics running towards us, and I put a hand on Kirstie's shoulder and gently say, "They're here now, they'll take care of him."

I pull Kirstie away from Avi, and Kevin immediately comes over to comfort her. I go over to Scott who still seems to be in shock, and give him a gentle hug.

"You okay, Scott?" I ask.

"I- uh, yeah... It just all happened so quickly..." He stammers, staring blankly at the paramedics as they try to help Avi.

"I know..." I say, pulling him into another hug.

Scott and I announced our relationship about a month ago, and it was honestly the best decision we ever made. Now we can do anything we like in front of the fans, now that Scomiche is confirmed real.

I wish Avi and Kirstie would do the same as us, it's obvious that they're in love. I look over at Kirstie, and see that she is still crying into Kevin's shoulder. Kevin is staring blankly at Avi's limp, bloody body, looking like he still can't quite register what's just happened.

I glance up at the audience, and feel a sudden rush of anger when I see that many of them have their phones up, filming everything. I nudge Scott and draw his attention to the people filming.

"We have to get the fans out of here." I whisper to him.

Scott nods and brings his microphone up to his mouth. An immediate silence settles over the fans as all eyes are drawn to Scott.

"Um..." He stutters, "Thank you all for coming. Um... We're sorry that this show has to be cut short."

I nod and say, "Thanks for coming everyone."

At that, security comes along and ushers the audience outside, leaving us and the paramedics alone in the huge arena.

Scott hurries over to the paramedics and Avi, and anxiously asks, "How is he?"

"Not good," One of them grimaces, "It looks like the bullet has gone into one of his lungs and caused it to collapse. That's why he cant breathe properly. We just need to get him into surgery to reconstruct the lung as soon as possible."

A few moments later, the paramedics shift Avi's limp body onto a stretcher and start carrying him to the ambulance parked outside.

"Wait!" Kirstie cries out, causing the paramedics to turn and look at her, "Can I go in the ambulance with him? Please?"

She looks at them with pleading eyes, but they're adamantly against it.

"I'm sorry, but we can only let family members into the ambulance."

"No- you don't understand, he saved my life! That bullet was headed straight for me, he pushed me out of the way! Please, you have to let me go with him!" Kirstie begs, tears shining in her eyes.

"Sorry. Rules are rules." They say, shaking their heads.

"Come on, Kirstie, we can get a taxi, 'kay?" I say comfortingly.

"But... What if something happens to Avi, and none of us are there for him?" Kirstie says, her voice small and scared.

Her words put thoughts into our heads that none of us really want to have. Right now, we just have to think positively and hope and pray that Avi will be okay.

"Nothing will happen, trust me. Avi will be fine, he's strong." I say, although I'm also terrified that he won't make it.

"Yeah, Mitch's right. He'll be fine." Kevin says, but he sounds somewhat unsure of himself.

"Well... Let's go and get a taxi." Scott says in a flat voice.

Everyone follows Scott outside, a tense silence hanging over us. Kevin and Kirstie are both shaking and have tears in their eyes, and it's obvious that Scott is the one who's gonna pull us through this. That's what I love about him; he's so strong, he never lets anything get to him.

During the taxi journey, Kirstie quietly cries whilst Scott tries to comfort her, and Kevin and I stay silent, still in a daze after what happened to Avi. I do feel bad for Kirstie though, because it's obvious that she's totally in love with Avi, and she probably feels terrible that Avi took the hit when the bullet was aimed at her.

I sigh and lean my hot, sweaty forehead against the cool, smooth glass of the taxi window.

Please let Avi be okay...

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