Chapter 15 - Captured

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Kevin's POV

As soon as we arrive at the airport, I quickly pull out my phone. Over the past few days, Avi's dad and I have come up with a plan. And it's time to put it in action.

I quickly text him, "We're at the airport now. Be ready."

I shove my phone into my back pocket as we go to collect our luggage. We're going to 'meet' Avi's dad soon. Not that anyone else knows about it. The plan is for me to lead them to a quiet area outside the airport, where Avi's dad will be waiting with a gun. He'll threaten to kill Kirstie unless Avi comes with him. It's failsafe; there's no way that Avi will let Kirstie die.

Avi stays silent as we leave the airport, and I lead everyone away from the busy exit of the airport.

Kirstie gives me a doubtful look, and says, "Are you sure this is the right way?"

"Positive." I say, unable to stop myself from smiling slightly. I can't wait for the plan to be put in action.

Kirstie still looks somewhat hesitant, but she doesn't say anything more. We keep walking until we reach a small alleyway where Avi's dad should be waiting. I peer into the dark, quiet street, and grin when I see a man leaning against the wall silently.

"We can take a shortcut through here." I say, gesturing towards the alleyway.

"Uh... Are you sure?" Scott asks doubtfully.

I nod and quickly lead them through the alleyway, towards where Avi's dad is standing in the dark, hiding his face from us.

I try to act as normal as possible as we walk past him. I suddenly hear Kirstie scream behind me, and I have to stifle a grin as I turn around, pretending to be surprised.

Avi's dad has Kirstie held by her arms, a gun pressed against her head. I glance over at Avi, and, to my surprise, there is no sign of shock or terror on his face. Instead, his eyes are full of pure anger.

"Let go of her." Avi says, his voice dangerously quiet.

His dad simply smirks, keeping the gun firmly against Kirstie's temple.

"LET HER GO!" Avi shouts, his voice echoing off the walls of the alleyway.

"I'll leave her alone, if you agree to a little deal." Avi's dad says, smiling smugly.

"Fine- just don't hurt her! I'll do anything, just let her go!" Avi says quickly.

He release Kirstie, and Avi immediately pulls her close to him, protectively wrapping his arms around her.

"Now then. The deal." Avi's dad says, "The deal is that you come with me. You come to my house without putting up a fight."

Avi's face immediately pales, and his grip on Kirstie loosens.

"You agreed to the deal. You're coming with me now." Avi's dad smirks, approaching Avi.

Avi flinches and cowers away, terrified.

"You agreed to the deal." His dad growls, aggressively grabbing hold of Avi's wrist.

Avi flinches and instinctively tries to pull his hand from his grip. However, this just angers his dad even more, and he violently shoves Avi up against the wall.

"You said that you wouldn't put up a fight." Avi's dad says menacingly, "You don't want your precious girlfriend getting hurt, do you?"

Avi swallows nervously and says, "Fine. I-I'll come with you. As long as you don't hurt Kirstie."

"Perfect." Avi's dad says. He then turns to Scott, Mitch and Kirstie, "Also, don't even think of getting the police involved in this. If I so much as hear a police siren, I won't hesitate to kill Avi."

They are too shocked and scared to reply, so Avi's dad just ignores them and begins to pull Avi away down the alleyway.

As I watch him getting dragged away, doubts begin to run through my mind. I made this happen...

I mean, he deserves it, right? He made out with Kirstie: my crush.

I try to convince myself that I was right to do all of this. I try to tell myself that he's a mean, backstabbing person.

But the more I try, the less it works. I know in the back of my mind that that isn't who Avi really is.

I know who he is. Avi is my best friend. Avi is the sweetest, gentlest person in the world. Avi is the one who took a bullet for Kirstie.

Avi doesn't deserve any of this.

What have I done...

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