Chapter 6 - Jealousy and Police

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Kevin's POV

Holy shit. What the hell did I just see...

I back away from the door and walk away as quickly as I can. I have to clear my head. So many emotions are running through me: Anger, hurt, jealousy...

I can't believe that I just saw my best friend and my long-time crush making out. Rage boils inside me, even though I know that it's not entirely rational. I never actually told Kirstie that I liked her... But I can't stop myself from feeling this anger. Avi's meant to be my best friend, but now he's making out with Kirstie...

I suddenly realise that there are footsteps behind me, and I stop in the middle of a hallway and turn around. I grit my teeth when I see Kirstie standing behind me.

"Kevin, what's wrong?" She asks.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe I saw Avi making out with a certain someone?" I spit.

Kirstie blushes, but she says, "Well, why do you have a problem with that?"

"Cause maybe the person who he was kissing is someone who I have feelings for."

She looks puzzled for a moment, before the realisation of what I meant suddenly dawns on her.

"Wait- me?" She asks, a confused expression on her face.

I sigh and nod, before turning and walking away from her.

Avi's POV

A few moments after Kirstie leaves, the door opens again and a police officer steps in.

"Mr Kaplan?" He asks, "Would it be okay for me to take down some information from you to help us investigate who shot you?"

"Uh- of course." I say, slightly taken aback.

"Okay... So, did you see the person with the gun?"

"Yes. I know who he is."

"Really? How do you know him?"

"He's... He's my father."

The officer gives me a strange look, "Please elaborate?"

"Well... He's been in prison for the past 15 years, and he's just gotten out today."

"Mhm. Why was he in prison?"

"He was charged with abuse and murder."

"Of who?"

"Abuse of me and my mother. And... And murder of my mother." I say, casting my eyes downwards to avoid tears.

"Oh... If you're okay with it, could you go into a bit more detail?"

"Um... Well, he used to drink a lot. He would go out to bars, then come back completely drunk. He would always be really angry, and he would argue with my mother. They weren't very serious, but then he started abusing her. It started off with just little slaps, but then those turned into worse and worse things. I tried to stop him once, but that just made him turn on me as well. And then after that... Everything just got worse and worse. Every single day he would get drunk, and abuse me and my mother. Until eventually, when I was eleven, he just... Snapped. Grabbed a knife and stabbed me, and killed my mother. That's when the cops showed up. They probably saved my life. But he only got a 15 year sentence. And- and now he's out..."

I realise that I'm crying, and quickly wipe my eyes, mentally cursing myself for being so weak. I look up to see Scott and Mitch standing in the doorway, staring at me sympathetically. They must have heard everything. I sigh, I don't want them to see me like this. I hate talking about my past, because I always end up crying like this, and everyone thinks that I'm weak and treats me like I can't look after myself.

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