Chapter 8 - I Love You

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Kirstie's POV

After about ten minutes of frantically searching for Kevin, I finally give up. He must have left the hospital. I just hope that he isn't too mad at me and Avi...

I honestly had no idea that he felt that way about me. And I know that Avi didn't either; there's no way he would have kissed me if he had known about Kevin's feelings.

I sigh and begin making my way back to Avi's room. I have to tell him about this...

Just as I'm about to enter his room, the door flies open and Kevin strides out.

"Hey, Kev-" I begin, but he ignores me and keeps walking, a slight smile on his face.

I watch him leave for a few seconds, but then I hear quiet whimpers coming from Avi's room, and quickly rush in.

"Avi?" I ask, concerned. I look over to the bed to see Avi curled up in a ball, his shoulders shaking as he silently sobs.

"Avi? What's wrong?" I ask, my heart pounding with worry.

He looks up at me with terrified eyes, tears streaking his face. When he realises that it's me, he quickly wipes his eyes and mumbles, "I'm fine."

"You're obviously not. Tell me what's wrong. Is it to do with Kevin?" I ask.

"N-No..." He stutters, and it's clear that he's lying.

"What did he do? Avi? Tell me, what did he do?" I demand, furious that Kevin wrecked Avi like this.

"Nothing. Please, just leave it. Nothing happened." He says, sniffing and wiping his eyes like a kid.

I sigh, "If anything else happens, you're coming straight to me. Okay?"

He gives a small nod, and whispers something so quietly that I can't quite make out what he says.

"Hm?" I say, leaning in closer towards him.

"I love you, Kirstie." He mumbles, smiling shyly.

I'm unable to stop a grin from breaking out on my face, "I love you too, Avi."

I lean in and plant a light kiss on his lips. A smile plays on the corners of his lips, making him look even more adorable than usual.

I suddenly hear a stifled giggle from behind me, and I spin around to see Scott and Mitch standing in the doorway, Mitch holding up his phone and filming us.

"MITCH! What the hell are you doing!" I yell, running at him and trying to wrestle the phone out of his hands.

He laughs and quickly passes the phone over to Scott, who holds the phone up above my reach. I try to pull his arm down, but he's just too damn tall.

I roll my eyes and say dramatically, "You give me no choice..."

I pretend to try to knee Scott in the balls, and he gives a high-pitched squeal and jumps away.

"Miiiitch, that's not fair! Tell Kirstie off!" He whines, folding his arms and pouting like a toddler.

"Nobody tries to knee my Scott in the balls! We'll just have to post that video of you two on Youtube then..." Mitch says, grinning.

Before I can react, Scott nods and runs out of the room, the phone still clutched in his hands. I think fast, and grab Mitch, stopping him from following Scott.

"Scott! I have Mitch, you better not post that video or Mitch will face my wrath!" I shout, laughing as Mitch tries to struggle from my grip.

"Scott, you can't just leave me here!" He yells.

"Sacrifices must be made!" Scott shouts back, and I can practically hear him giggling from down the corridor.

I sigh and let Mitch go, "You win this time, I guess."

"Thanks, sista." He winks jokingly, before running off to rejoin with his lover.

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