Chapter 21 - Obvious All Along

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Kevin's POV

It's been a week since Avi's been gone. And I feel like shit. I did this to him. Because of me, my best friend could die at any second. Because of me, Kirstie is an emotional wreck. Because of me, Pentatonix is incomplete.

To make matters worse, the fans are starting to notice that Avi's not been posting anything on social media. His twitter is filled with concerned messages from all the fans.

I sigh and rub my forehead, distractedly turning my phone in my hands. We need to get him back before anything worse happens to him. The first step is to get any kind of evidence we can about his whereabouts.

I turn on my phone and go to my texts. As much as I hate seeing the photos of Avi so injured and broken, that's the only way I could possibly find any trace of a hint about where he is.

I open the first picture that was sent, and flinch slightly at the sight of my best friend covered in blood and bruises. But I swallow and force myself to keep looking at the photo, scrutinising it for any sort of hint of his surroundings.

I let out a small grunt of frustration when the photo doesn't yield any evidence. All I can tell is that he's in some sort of dark room, maybe a basement.

But just as I'm about to turn off my phone, something suddenly catches my eye. There's something on his arm.

My heart leaps in my chest as I quickly turn on a lamp so I can see the photo better. I squint at his arm, and I realise that it's writing.

Oh my God.

"Scott! Mitch! Kirstie! Come here right now!" I yell, and I immediately hear two sets of footsteps quickly approaching my door.

Scott and Mitch soon burst into my room, panicked looks on their faces.

"Kevin? What's up?" Mitch asks, panting slightly.

"Look. There's writing on Avi's arm in this photo." I say, handing my phone to Scott and Mitch.

Mitch squints at the picture, "It looks like it's just two different letters over and over again."

"Yeah. But they could mean something." I say.

"I guess," Scott says sceptically, "Kirstie! Come here for a second!"

A few moments later, Kirstie pokes her head around the door.

"What is it?" She asks, sounding somewhat irritated.

"It's to do with Avi." Mitch says.

Kirstie immediately becomes alert, giving her undivided attention to Mitch.

"There's some kind of writing on his arm." Mitch says, handing the phone to Kirstie.

Kirstie's eyes scan over the photo, widening in realisation.

"But... What do they mean? It's just 'L' and 'R' written over and over." Kirstie says, chewing her lip anxiously.

"It has to mean something. It looks like Avi's written it; he must have been trying to get some kind of message across to us." I say, pacing nervously around the room.

"L and R..." Scott mutters thoughtfully.

All of a sudden, it clicks into place in my head. Left and Right.

"Left and right!" I shout, startling Kirstie.

"What?" Mitch asks cluelessly.

"The 'L's and 'R's. They mean left and right. Avi must have been taken into a car or something, and he wrote down the turns that the car took on his arm, hoping that somehow we would see it. And we did - and now we can find him!" I exclaim, unable to stop a small smile from creeping onto my face.

"Holy shit... You're a genius, Kevin." Mitch says, shaking his head in awe.

"It was so obvious all along." I say, "Trust Avi to stay calm and think so logically."

Kirstie nods and quickly gets to her feet, pulling her car keys out of her pocket.

"Let's go."

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