Chapter 11 - Hate

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Hey guys, just a quick note, I just realised that in the last chapter I wrote that they went back to the hotel, I actually meant the tour bus! Sorry about that!

Kevin's POV

I only get about ten minutes of time alone in the tour bus, before I hear a loud knock on the door. I frown in confusion; I can't think who it could be.

I open the door and do a double-take when I see who are waiting outside. Kirstie and Mitch are standing there, and close behind them, Scott is carrying an unconscious Avi.

All I can say is, "What the hell?"

Kirstie smiles sheepishly and says, "It's a long story."

I sigh and roll my eyes, before grudgingly opening the door for them. I don't mind Kirstie, Scott and Mitch being here, but I feel a rush of anger every time I look at Avi.

Scott goes and carefully lays Avi down on the couch, and I can't help but send a glare in that direction.

"So... Explain." I demand, my hands on my hips.

"Well... It's a long story. Basically, Avi's dad texted him, saying that he knew where he was. Avi freaked out and started panicking, and he said that he had to get out of the hospital. I tried to stop him, but he wouldn't listen to me, so I had to help him." Kirstie says, "Also, Kevin, can we have a quick word? In private?"

"Fine." I mutter, already knowing what this is going to be about.

We leave Scott and Mitch with Avi, and head to the back of the tour bus.

"So... About earlier. Are you still mad?" Kirstie asks simply.

"Of course." I roll my eyes.

"Well... I'm just gonna be honest with you about this. Kevin, you're an awesome person. But... I'm sorry. I just don't feel that way about you. I'm in love with Avi, and I can't change that. But we can still be friends. Right?" She asks, looking up at me with gentle eyes.

At this point, I can't really say no, so I grudgingly nod and say, "Mhm. I'm not so sure about Avi though..."

At the mention of Avi's name, Kirstie's eyes suddenly darken, and she says to me, "About that. Earlier, right after you left his room, I found Avi crying his eyes out. I know that you have something to do with that."

I shrug nonchalantly, and say, "I just had a word with him, that's all."

"Listen, Avi is going through enough shit right now, he doesn't need you to make it worse. Leave him alone. I mean it." She says, giving me a death glare.

"Whatever," I shrug.

Kirstie glares at me before going back to the front of the bus. I sigh and go upstairs; I have to text Avi's dad about this.

Avi's POV

Ugh. I feel like crap. I keep my eyes closed, unable to muster up enough energy to open them. I seem to be lying on something soft, I must be in the tour bus. My head is still pounding horribly, and my mouth is bone dry. It's completely silent, so either it's night or I'm the only one here.

I finally manage to prise my eyes open and my vision slowly adjusts, and I realise that it's pitch black here. I manage to gather my bearings, and realise that I'm on the couch in the tour bus. I pull out my phone to see that the time is 2 AM. No wonder everyone else is asleep.

I sigh and unlock my phone. I go on Twitter, and I can't help but let a grin spread across my face when I see that the number one trending hashtag is #Pray4Avi.

I go to my homepage to see that Kirstie, Mitch and Scott have all already tweeted saying that I was in hospital and doing okay. I scroll through the tweets from the fans, and I'm taken aback by the amount of hate there is. I know that I should be used to hate by now, but I still can't help but feel a small pang of hurt every time I read a hate comment.

I sigh and try to ignore the hate, and write a message to the fans.

Hey guys, sorry about the show getting cut short! Thank you for all the love and support, I'm doing fine now :)

I close Twitter and go onto YouTube, curious if anyone got footage of when I was shot. I only have to type in 'Avi' before the first suggestion that immediately comes up is 'Avi Kaplan shot on stage'.

I only hesitate for a moment before clicking on a video. It's a shakily filmed, vertical video, but it's good enough for me to see myself fairly clearly.

I watch as I see myself catch sight of my dad and stop singing. I hear myself scream Kirstie's name and run at her. I flinch slightly at the sound of the gunshot and the sight of scarlet blossoming on my shirt. I shudder and wince as I remember the horrible pain, and I quickly pause the video, not wanting to watch any more of it.

I scroll down through the comments, and again I'm shocked by the amount of hate.

Ugh it's a shame he didn't die.

Can someone shoot him again, but this time in the head?

Glad to see that he's finally getting what he deserves.

I sigh and turn off my phone. Everyone seems to hate me... The fans, Kevin, my dad...

Maybe there's something wrong with me. Maybe everyone is right to hate me. Maybe my dad actually had good reason to abuse me. Maybe it's just me. Maybe I'm just a bad person. That would explain why everyone hates me.

I sigh and bury my face in a cushion.

Maybe all of this is my fault....

Hunted - A Pentatonix / Avi Kaplan FanfictionOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant