Chapter 20 - Block it Out

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Avi's POV

A shiver is sent down my spine when I hear the front door opening. He's drunk. Again. It's only been a day since he last got drunk and beat me, and it's already happening again.

I shudder and try to move towards the corner of my room, but the slightest motion causes agony to shoot through my body. The pain has only gotten worse since he last 'visited' me, to the point where I can't even sit up properly.

I hear him coming down the stairs towards the basement, and I try to hold back tears as I curl up on the floor, shaking like a child.

The sound of his footsteps gets gradually closer, until I can tell that he's in the basement. I timidly look up, and can't help but flinch and shiver when I realise that he's towering over me threateningly. The stench of alcohol emanates from his hot breath, making my eyes water even more than they were previously.

He draws back his fist, ready to punch. I swallow and shut my eyes. Even if I can't stop the pain, I can at least try to block it out. I let my mind wander away, separating itself from my body and making me feel strangely calm.

I hear the sound of his fist coming into contact with me, but I don't feel the pain. I'm not part of my body anymore.

I force myself to think about anything other than what's going on around me. I have to block out the pain with my thoughts.

I think of Scott and Mitch, and how cute they are together.

I think of Kevin, and how, even though he's been treating me so coldly recently, he's still my best friend. I just hope he'll realise that soon.

And most importantly, I think about Kirstie. I think about how beautiful, kind and caring she is. And as soon as I get out of here, I'll be able to see her again.

My mind swims with thoughts, and I keep my eyes shut firmly. Ignore the pain.

I hear my dad still throwing kicks and punches at me for what feels like an hour, until finally there is silence. I slowly open my eyes, bringing me crashing down to reality.

And with reality comes the pain.

A muffled sob of agony strains through my throat, and I feel warm tears begin to trickle down my bruised, bloody face. Every inch of my body throbs horribly, and it's just worsened by the feeling of sticky blood slowly seeping through my clothes.

I hug myself with shaking hands, shivering on the cold, hard floor of the basement, whimpering in pain.

I want Kirstie...

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